Monday, November 18, 2019


As in - "oh" the weekend is over. *sigh* I don't know if its the time of year or what but I swear, the weekends are absolutely flying! And I say that even though we got to leave work at 3:00 on Friday and I went shopping at Loft to kick off the weekend! It's incredibly detrimental that there is a Loft right down the sidewalk from my office - but I managed to just make it out with three sweaters in some of the brightest colors in the store!

I do find it funny that my family used to make fun of me for always wearing black - and now I'm far more colorful. Proof that people can change, I suppose? Regardless of whatever my wildly bright Winter wardrobe means, the rest of the evening was spent perusing Lowe's, seeing the movie Midway and then doing some reading before crawling into bed.

Saturday was all about shopping and decorating - I did get some lovely finds at Kirkland's (both for myself and for Christmas gifts) and then braved an absolutely ravaged Wal-Mart to pick up some supplies for the week ahead before heading home to help my parents with their decorations since all of mine are already up! I also wore my World Series hoodie for the first time - which was maybe a little more thrilling than it should have been, ha-ha!

I also managed to get several more presents wrapped and under my tree and after the visit to Wal-Mart, I'm pretty thrilled to think that I just need one more thing to be completely done with all my Christmas shopping. *praise hands* I definitely don't want to be fighting the crowds to grab that one last item... 

I helped my parents get their trees (yes - there is more than one tree) upstairs and in place and in the process, I also did some sort of something to my left knee that left me screeching in the floor. I don't know exactly what happened but it sort of... snap, crackle, popped and then pain shot through the back of my knee. So - that was fun.

Sunday morning after church and lunch, I spent the rest of the day - quite honestly - being a bum. I helped my parents with some of the decorating and ended up farther up a ladder than I wanted to be... but then again, the 9 foot tree in the living room is no joke. I also ended up with a heat pack on my knee a couple times to help with the twinging... blegh...

We had pizza for dinner and I am getting pretty close to being completely done with the third season of the Handmaid's Tale.... honestly, I just cannot believe how fast this weekend went. And this weekend didn't even have a work-related wine tasting to be involved in! *sigh*

*An additional "oh" - when I hopped onto my blog this morning I noticed all the alterations had disappeared - and after further investigation, it appears The Cutest Blog on the Block is no longer a thing. So I had to adjust accordingly.*

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