Monday, November 11, 2019

Well - That Weekend Passed Much Too Quickly

Are we really sure the weekend happened? I know it did but I feel like I blinked and the weekend was over! It passed much too fast for me! I was able to leave work early on Friday but it was all for naught because I spent the hours from 3:00 - 5:00 in the eye doctor's office and ended up getting home later on Friday than I normally do! *sigh* I changed into much warmer clothes, chilled with my dog a little bit and then went to see Last Christmas at the Alamo - and I really loved it!

Of course - it just put me in the Christmas spirit and so when I came home I had to watch The Great British Baking Show: Festive Edition as I sat by the fire and plotted when to decorate for Christmas, ha-ha! I also received my November shipment from Atlas Coffee Club and this month the coffee is from Myanmar and it's divine!

I slept until almost 8:00 on Saturday morning and then got up and had that delicious coffee all the way from Myanmar that has notes of Cherry Cola, Grape and Brownie! I don't know if I tasted all those things but it was certainly a good cup of coffee. I sort of poked around for a large portion of the morning, just walking the dog and having breakfast... around 11:15 I had to get ready for a client event that my office was holding... and at 12:15 I met up with my co-workers to make our way to Fleetwood Farm Winery!

We spent about four hours mingling with clients, sipping some wine and sampling some really yummy food and I snapped the two pictures above as we were leaving. Fleetwood Farm Winery is a really lovely spot and the wine is pretty divine as well! My co-workers (who are also my friends) and I made our way back toward home but stopped in Middleburg to have dinner together at Red Horse Tavern - where I had some of the most delicious White Chicken Chili! *sigh* I spent the rest of the evening taking a bubble bath and just relaxing - I was worn out from socializing! 

Sunday morning I woke up with a headache that managed to hang on for almost the entire day. Blah. I had coffee and breakfast and then spent the day doing all manner of things: three loads of laundry, emptying the dishwasher, rearranging clothes in drawers, a quick Wal-Mart run, walked the dog multiple times, had lunch and oh yea - I might have decorated for Christmas! Just kidding - no might about it, I definitely did!

When my headache finally abated around 5:00, I started the third season of The Handmaid's Tale and wrapped presents as I watched. I made dinner, took a bubble bath and then watched the newest episode of Mr. Robot before getting in bed and tossing and turning. *sigh* And then Monday arrived and I couldn't believe the weekend was already over. Yikes! 

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