Thursday, January 24, 2019


Well - we are well and truly into this new year, 2019 - almost a full month of this year is under my belt and I finally decided I'd get around to sharing my "word". Does anyone else do this? Choose a word for each year? I have seen many of the bloggers I follow do this, I've had friends who do this and while I've contemplated it time and again, this year is the first time I've chose a word. 

The whole month of December there was a word that kept popping up everywhere I looked and honestly, when I thought long and hard about it - it made perfect sense. That word? SAVOR! 

I will confess that I am a planner and while there is nothing that is necessarily "wrong" with being a planner, there is probably something wrong with the way I go about my planning. There are things in my life I am still hoping for and sometimes I take one step and then; in my mind, try to plan out all the eventual outcomes from just that one step. And you know what? More often that not, none of those outcomes even come to fruition...which leads to frustration or disappointment...where there shouldn't be. 

I have been abundantly blessed in life - and I am aware of that - but I so often focus on the what could be as opposed to what is. So, after thinking about it and praying about, I am choosing to SAVOR the moment(s) I am currently in. I am making the effort each day to be aware of the moments; big and small, happening around me on this day - and for the most part, leave the future in the hands of the Lord. Honestly - my past, present and future have always been in the hands of the Lord and when I choose not to SAVOR the day He has given me, I begin to stumble. 

A fellow blogger shared the graphic above - with a sentiment that spoke to me immediately. As I do my best to SAVOR each day for it's own blessings this year, that also means aligning my heart with my feet. 

Do you have a word for the year 2019? Have you done a word before? 

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