Friday, January 11, 2019

Five on Friday

One. Snow - Well, as much as I was really wishing that Spring would just go ahead and arrive... it looks like this weekend - winter is coming! Game of Thrones joke guys (just three months until the final season)... The weather changed pretty dramatically on Wednesday and it flurried on and off all day, but the weekend forecast is calling for snow that will actually stick! So - perhaps I will be spending my weekend finding a new show to binge watch while the snow falls?

Image result for snow gif

Two. Perfectly Posh Core Launch - Tomorrow is the Spring launch of Perfectly Posh's new core line and the company will reveal twenty-six new products to go along with all the wonderful products that the company already has! All of the current and new products can be found at my website: - so many of the products are buy five/get the sixth free, all of the products are made in the USA and all of the products are made from natural, sustainable ingredients.

Three. Sweet Pup - It's not Wednesday but I just can't resist because this picture of Watson is too sweet! Last night he hopped up on the couch beside me and snuggled for a good twenty minutes and it was just so sweet! Love my precious puppy!

Four. HGTV Dream Home - Is anyone else registering to win this? Only me? Well... I know it's not only me because if so then I'd easily win...but there are probably tons of other people entering on the daily! I've always loved looking at the perfectly designed pictures of the HGTV Dream Home and dreamed about what my life would be like if I won it! Now while I seriously doubt I'd move to Montana if I won, I've always wanted to visit Montana and I'd least vacation there before (maybe) selling the house! 

Five. Fitness - Well, it's the new year and like so many other people... I've decided to commit myself to fitness and eating better. I don't want to call it a resolution, although I am resolved to do this - so I guess that's exactly what it is. Regardless, I've been using the My Fitness Pal app on my phone because it worked perfectly last time and I've been using the elliptical in the evenings. So far, I'm ten days in and down 2.9 pounds! Here's to keeping the commitment to feeling better about myself, feeling healthier and happier in 2019! 

Image result for fitness meme

That's all I've got for this Friday y'all! The temperatures outside are positively frigid (it's 30 but feels like 18) and so it seems like hunkering down for the weekend, finding a show to binge watch and reading a few chapters of a good book are in order! Happy weekending everyone!

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