Friday, January 18, 2019

Five on Friday

One. "Spring" Cleaning - Let me be the first to tell you that I have NOT watched Tidying Up with Marie Kondo and I'm highly unlikely to...mostly because anyone who tells me I only need to keep fewer than 30 books is not my friend. I have shelves and shelves of books; a friend once threatened to murder me if I didn't re-read every book I owned after he helped me move, and yet I still add to the shelves. I love books so very much - they all bring me joy and so, I cannot only keep thirty!

Two. Bohemian Rhapsody Sing-Along - I am so excited because my friend Danielle and I are going to the sing-along version of Bohemian Rhapsody tonight! When it was originally announced, the closest showing near DC and only playing at 10:20 every night - who does that?!? I took a look back at the website on the off chance that it was showing closer and lo and behold - it is at the Alamo Drafthouse right here in our town! So we'll be doing our best Freddie's and singing along with all the songs - a perfect girl's night if you ask me!

Image result for bohemian rhapsody movie gif

Three. Snow...Again - My phone just pinged to let me know that we've officially been placed under a Winter Storm Warning... and this weekend it may actually be more ice than snow. *sigh* Winter seems to have realized that it only has so much time to dump on us and so it's getting it all in during the month of January!

Image result for snow gif

It snowed Thursday afternoon from 3:30 until after I went to bed - nothing too intense but it made driving home a bit more adventurous and when I walked Watson, I could have sworn he just looked around like "this stuff - again?" Ha! The meme below feel especially accurate!

Four. Free Shipping - Perfectly Posh released twenty-six new Core products last Saturday and now that all the new goodies are available, they are offering free shipping on any and all purchases all weekend long! If you've ever wanted to try out Perfectly Posh, this weekend would be... perfect! You can shop at

Five. Watson - It's not Wednesday, but I just couldn't resist sharing this sweet picture of my pup with you! He's the sweetest little thing, even if he was acting all sorts of weird last night!

I hope everyone has a good weekend - hopefully your weekend is a three day weekend just like mine! I may be absolutely stir crazy by the time Tuesday rolls around, especially if it snows and sleets and everything is covered in ice all weekend! Yikes! 

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