Friday, October 9, 2015

Fitness Friday

I wouldn't buy that PSL - not worth it. A Salted Caramel Mocha though...
Well - here we are again - it's Friday. I feel like this week has been kind of a laugh when it comes to the whole fitness routine. Granted, I have walked 3 of the 4 days so far this week...but nothing too impressive. I did get in 3+ miles on Monday...which definitely coincided with the luxury of being off for my "birthday".

I took a big ol break from working out on Tuesday - because it actually WAS my birthday and between work and supper and book club, I wasn't home on Tuesday until 8:30 at night. And who wants to eat a birthday cupcake and then go walk in the dark? Not this chick. At least...not on Tuesday night.

Wednesday was a rough day for me - I didn't feel so great the entire day and so while I still walked, it just was a mile because I got halfway down the road, broke out in a cold sweat and felt a little puny, so I figured I'd better seek a place to sit down...and the side of the road didn't seem safe. Thursday night was almost as pitiful; as soon as I came in from work we went to buy groceries, then we cooked supper and ate and by the time that was all said and done...even though it was only 7:30, it was dark. Daylight Savings Time - it's gonna be interesting y'all. I walked a the parking lot of the golf club. 

I haven't hopped on the scale this week - maybe I'll wait until I've conquered my Saturday and Sunday outings to see what it looks like...although I was worried last week and still dropped two pounds! I've definitely got to get it together - tis the season for candy, turkey and numerous delicious (and usually bad for you) things to eat. I've got to keep it together going into the next few months.

So - no picture this week. Maybe I'll have one next week...maybe I won't. I'll post another eventually; I know you're all waiting with baited breath. Ha! Until next week - avoid those PSL's - unless you actually enjoy doing burpees....

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