The Time Warp has come around here we are, warping back to the many Septembers past.
September 2015
A Thursday night Nats game - you bet! |
Also a Thursday night Nationals Curly W! |
Rapidan Camp with two of my favorite little people. |
The "sweetest" place on Earth - Hershey, PA! |
Can you imagine a Reese's that was actually that big? |
Friday night baseball in the District! |
Another Curly W for the Nationals! |
Just continuing my love affair with our nation's capital. |
Closing out the 2015 season.... |
This Year: I guess the real question is what didn't I do this month? Three Nationals games interspersed between camping for the first time (not sure about that...), spending the weekend in Hershey, PA and spending the weekend in DC. This past month has been a whirlwind but it's also filled with awesome memories.
September 2014
The Virginia Museum of the Civil War |
The Bicentennial of the Star Spangled Banner |
Cuddling this sweet little nugget - so glad I finally got to meet her! |
Pulling a little apple picker through the orchard... |
So glad to see this sweet friend (and her sweet family) again! |
One Year Ago: I explored the Virginia Museum of the Civil War...which was mostly interesting...and spent the day in Baltimore to celebrate the bicentennial of the Star Spangled Banner. The month ended on a decidedly awesome note - one of my best friends and her sweet family spent almost four days with us and we showed them all around our little slice of Virginia!
September 2013
Family hugs at the airport in Jackson! |
Making funny faces with my sweet Ruby Kate & Graham! |
Cruising on a golf cart at the golf shoot out.... |
Sonic run w/David en route to a wedding in the swamp...hehehe! |
With the beautiful bride Lisa at her gorgeous wedding! |
Two Years Ago: It seems my Septembers for the past few years have always been busy; two years ago was no exception! The month started with family in town...unfortunately because of the passing of my Pops (history can repeat...late August this year was quite similar to early September two years ago). I spent my Sundays loving on sweet babies in the nursery, I cruised all over the golf course with my friend Melissa for a work event and rounded out the month watching one of my sweet friends get married!
September 2012
Family photo opportunity in the Springs! |
Olympic hopefuls for 2012? |
Yet another family hug - love these guys! |
Look at that little face - begging, no doubt. |
Three Years Ago: September of 2012 starts the trend of early Septembers spent in Colorado Springs; I guess 2012 was really the end of that trend, but since we're moving backwards in's the start, ha-ha! Loving on Lindsey in Colorado Springs seems to really be the theme and sole adventure for three years ago, but I couldn't resist throwing in a shot of Watson!
September 2011
What's that, yes - another picture in Colorado Springs! |
Hiking in & around the Rockies - hiking in flip-flops = bad idea! |
Our man Reginald in Divide Colorado - he's a miner! |
Gorgeous Colorado views - breathtaking! |
Four Years Ago: Colorado Springs! I told you, this will be a theme! And it looks like it's pretty much the only thing that was really going on for me in September of 2011. This trip to the Springs involved staying in a cabin and I decided I'd hike in flip-flops....never a good idea. I don't suppose that's surprising; besides my trip to Colorado Springs I'm certain I kept busy working and just generally living life.
September 2010
Lindsey explains some classwork - & I pretend to understand, ha-ha! |
Saying adios for Parents Weekend 2010! |
Posing with one of our (two) favorite Jr. Misses - Kristen at her Homecoming! |
Five Years Ago: Say it with me now....Colorado Springs! We followed Lindsey around to her classes and I pretended to understand what they were talking about...ha-ha! I'm sure there was plenty of eating out and I know there was a football game in there too! We ended the month at Enterprise's homecoming to cheer on one of our favorite Jr. Misses...Kristen!
September 2009
Hugs (and tears) after being apart for almost 3 months! |
Hey - I can stand at attention too! |
The start of our Septembers spent in Colorado Springs! |
Six Years Ago: The first visit to Colorado Springs to visit Lindsey and the start of an (almost) five year tradition. This trip would lead to many more and by the time Lindsey's tenure at the Academy was over...I could probably tell you where to find this or that in the Springs. Six years ago I was still in college (what???) but I guess I wasn't doing anything photo worthy...
September 2008
West Lauderdale football with the big Senior...Lindsey. |
Imitating the USM football players...& trying not to crack up. |
Enjoying college football with a sweet friend. |
Seven Years Ago: I started school at Southern Miss and began making friends there that I still have to this day (you know who you are)! I increased the amount of black and gold clothing in my wardrobe pretty significantly, learned all about the Nasty Bunch (the defensive line) and discovered that living with three other people can sometimes be very trying. Ha-ha!
September 2007
No Swimming - that seems...ironic... |
Eight Years Ago: Yep - this is the only picture I could find from 2007. That's it. I'm standing where Okattibbee Lake used to come up to. Apparently there was a lot less rain than usual in 2007 and when the Corps hosted their annual Keep America Beautiful day, the no swimming sign proved ironic.
September 2006
Home from MSU for the weekend & bound for a high school football game. |
Just taking a selfie (before that was a word...) with the little sister. |
Yeah - apparently I excelled at selfies long before they were a thing. |
Nine Years Ago: I was a student at Mississippi State; the Fall of 2006 would be the only semester I attended my beloved MSU, just because you're raised cheering for State doesn't mean it's the place you need to go to college. I learned pretty quickly that it wasn't really the right fit for me and did my best to enjoy my weekends at home. Life lesson learned.
And that's all she wrote folks - I could only go back nine years on this one! I'm not sure what all I was up to before that but I know it was plenty...apparently just not plenty of things I kept documented with pictures! Granted, this was before the age of the cell phone and the that probably explains a lot!
Until next month - don't get too warped!
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