Oh what a week...what a week indeed. I'll be honest, I'm distracted today and for a completely crazy reason. I was at the Nationals game yesterday when Dugout Brawl 2015 happened and my phone has been going nuts all afternoon courtesy of Twitter and the numerous outlets reporting all that is happening in the wake of that.
Every time is buzzes, I have to see what's up. It's sad but true - I need to know what's going down with my team. Alas, Sunday was only one day this past week...and I've just realized that Sunday technically starts a week but I always tag Sunday on the end of my week(s)....so I guess I'm rolling this a little backward. Oh well, that's how I'm going to keep rolling, ha-ha!
Autumn officially arrives at Creekside when the corn stalks come out... |
Shoes were on sale at Target for $15 - I figured, why not? |
I honestly feel like I don't remember last week being too memorable - which might be why I can't think of a single thing to tell you about. I might also not be able to think of a single thing to tell you about because I'm typing this while simultaneously trying to "watch" Game Day on my computer and field phone calls...so, distraction...it's definitely a factor here. Last week was a pretty typical work week, nothing too crazy going on and I suppose I was in beast mode on the walking because I made it 2 miles every day - pretty pleased with myself on that one.
Tuesday evening deck chilling...while supper cooked, of course. |
Wednesday AM - I feel like there are mountains out there somewhere...but...where? |
I feel like Autumn is really starting to arrive with a vengeance around here - and I'm pretty pleased. I; like most every other human on the planet, am getting a little tired of all the hot weather. I'm sure in six months I'll be on this very same blog opining the horrors of cold weather and just wishing for the sunshine and heat...but isn't that how it's supposed to be? Also, to that fact, I really think I'm more of a cool weather girl anyway - I feel like you really can't beat a good pair of jeans, a cute pair of boots and a sweater/scarf combo any day - and I'm about to get to wear that combo a lot more often! It's also a whole lot easier to walk every afternoon when it's not feeling like it's a million degrees out...
Come to the Dark Side - we have creamer. Hehehe... |
Fall leaves & loafers & blue jeans...it's all so lovely. |
A gorgeous start to Thursday.... |
And an equally gorgeous end to Thursday.... |
As usual, the weekend was where a large part of my "action" happened. Friday night was the first Friday night in at least three weeks that I had no plans, but apparently I've conditioned myself to live large and always be doing something because by 7:45, I just couldn't sit still and I managed to finagle my Mom into going to Target with me. Somehow I managed to spend over thirty minutes in Target and not buy a single thing - I don't even begin to know how that happened. I did get myself a Toasted Graham Latte that was absolutely delicious and I pushed the button on almost every single Halloween decoration because deep inside, I'm only about 5 and those buttons just call my name... I also tried on a Darth Vader mask and pushed the buttons on every single light saber...because seriously, 5 years old on the inside.
Misadventures on a Friday night in Target... |
I found some Throwback Thursday material...on Saturday....& shared it anyway. |
Saturday morning was fairly lazy...although I did get in a 1.3 mile walk, so I feel like I can deduct some sloth points for that right there. I met up with my friends Danielle and Meridith on Saturday afternoon so we could spend the evening in Harpers Ferry, WV...doing things like dining on farm to table cuisine and taking a ghost tour of the town. The town of Harpers Ferry has been around since 1763 and was the site of the US Armory during the Civil War; John Brown raided the town in October of 1859 and the town changed hands eight times during the Civil War...proving to be pretty disastrous for the town. So, you can imagine there are plenty of tales to raise the hair on the back of your neck and make you look into the darkness just a little closer...
I think this man might be a Nationals fan...especially if your name is Ian Desmond. |
Supper at the Canal House with Danielle & Meridith (she's taking the picture). |
A ghost tour selfie...& some other shots from around town. |
Sunday started a little earlier but not brighter...because man, it was crazy overcast! I left the house around 9:45 to get to the Metro, meet up with my friend Rachel and head for Nationals Park for the "last" home game of the season. I put last in quotations because they have a make-up game today against the Cincinnati Reds but everyone counted Sunday as the end of the home show. The traffic (going and coming) was mercifully not crazy and for the most part the Metro wasn't too nuts. After having lunch at the Red Porch, we hopped into our seats and hoped for a really good game.
Alright Nationals...I'm with you till the bitter end....seriously... |
It was SO windy - my hair... |
The game started off spectacular enough but we couldn't hang on to the lead and much like the weather, the game just sort of devolved as the innings passed... The team store was having a sale on apparel because; again, last home game of the season and I grabbed a pullover for myself, which I ended up wearing halfway through the game when clouds rolled in and the breeze off the Anacostia was crazy chilly! If you read the news at all, you'll know that the game really took a dive when our relief pitcher attacked our star player (really though - you all know Bryce Harper is amazing...and not just because he's pretty to look at) and Rachel and I decided that when a brawl breaks out in the dugout, it's time to walk to the ice cream store...ha-ha. Till 2016 my Nationals...till 2016.
Crazy weather? Check! Crazy game? Check! Crazy players? Double check! |
Of all the things you'd expect to see on the DC waterfront...hey, at least those Bulldogs won! |
So - my week and weekend in speedy review. It was a whirlwind to be sure and I feel like last week just started...and now it's over, done and in the books. Can you believe October will be here in 2 days? I can't! I feel like the next few months will be like the last few weeks - a blur. I guess I'll buckle in and get ready for the ride!
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