Well - September has arrived and with it a whole hoard of new adventures unfolded this week. Okay, maybe they weren't all completely new adventures but I try to live life with an adventurous spirit and so that makes everything interesting. I'm certain my Dad would say that I live life a little more dramatically than most...and I say this because in any situation, the most dramatic outcome is always the first outcome I arrive at.
Noise in the car? It's going to blow up!
Noise outside the house? We're about to be murdered!
Sign up for a dating site? I'd get matched with a person who kills me and wears my skin!
And let me be honest with you - don't pretend people like that don't exist. They do. I've never seen Silence of the Lambs, but I know what's up. Plus, if I jump to the most dramatic response possible, then when things turn out much more calmly, it's all good. Right? So, living life dramatically - not necessarily a bad thing. But...I ramble...
Up close & personal with Watson. |
Cheese is the best. |
Monday night our friends came over to plan our camping trip (so much stress there...so much...but that's for later) and we all had supper. I cuddled and snuggled with Amelia and fed her cheese; she's truly a child after my own heart, how can you not love cheese? Watson is usually pretty good around kids but I guess Emily and Jimmy were being just a little too wild on Monday night because after a couple rounds of interaction, he just gave it up and nestled himself firmly in between my front legs to avoid further onslaughts...which kind of cracked me up. He kept looking up at me as if to say "um - are they ever going to be quieter?" No Watson...they're 7 and 9...quiet isn't a word they know.
Seriously - she is NEVER amused by me in pictures. |
Watson decides children are loud & wants no part of it... |
The week seemed hectic on so many levels; we'd arrived back home from a whirlwind trip to MS at 8:30 on Sunday night and there was something going on (almost) every night of the week. It seemed like there would be no time to just stop and sit still. Sometimes weeks like that are a good thing and sometimes they make you want to pull your hair out - you know? We had friends over on Monday night, we went to Book Club on Tuesday night and I ran around on Wednesday night doing all kinds of things: baking brownies for camping, washing clothes, packing my bag for camping (I didn't do that well), walking almost 2 miles...you get the idea...not slowing down. I had to get all this done before Thursday...and why?
The mid-week struggle to get going in the morning. |
I am wearing these bad boys out... |
Nationals baseball - of course! Ha-ha! My Mom and I drove into DC on Thursday night to watch the Nationals take on the Braves in the first of a four game series. The game was fantastic (hello, they won 15-1!) and I successfully navigated (almost) rush hour traffic in DC when my stupid GPS sent us on the craziest route possible to Nationals Park. I think I only scared my Mom once with my driving skills, whipping in and around cars and city buses...and of course, as mentioned...the game was amazing. Granted, that's a whole other post in and of itself...so I'll just leave it at this: I love, love going to Nationals Park and this time was certainly no exception.
Taking shelter while a severe storm moves through DC. |
The Nesting Dolls - they love watching a game at Nationals Park too. |
Curly W...15-1. Such a great game! |
Friday brought about the start of a long weekend and a first time experience I'd been looking forward to with something that might have resembled dread. Y'all, I am not outdoorsy...at all. Bugs freak me out...I don't like to be sweaty or get dirt/brush/mud on myself...I don't do the whole "communing with nature" thing at all. So naturally, I wasn't so sure about this whole sleeping in a tent, cooking food over a fire and having to hike to the toilet. I made it 24 hours...out of what was meant to be a 72 hour trip. Again - that's a post in and of itself that I plan to write especially for my friend Nickolee who joked I needed to write a play by play of camping...and so I'll do just that. Let's just say - I love my bed. I love hot and cold running water. I love the good old indoors. And so does my dog...
A misty Saturday morning in the mountains. |
Love these two little rascals...even if we can't ever get a good picture... |
See what I mean? Never a good picture... |
Searching for adventure on the edge of the wilderness. |
I happily returned home with Watson on Saturday evening and spent the rest of my Labor Day weekend not doing labor, ha-ha! Isn't that the point? I cooked some good food, finished a book, took Watson on some long (and not long) walks, watched the Nationals sweep the Braves and binge watched "Salem" on Netflix. If it sounds like I was a bum, it's because I kind of was. And I have no shame - because I haven't done that in a long while and I still got in my walking on Sunday and Monday, so I really don't feel that lazy. And let me tell you, climbing into my bed on Saturday night was pure unadulterated bliss and for that I will not apologize. I love the finer things in life - so...
Dreams come true. Ha-ha! |
Sunday afternoon nap? Yeah right - he's pretending not to beg. |
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