Monday, April 11, 2022

That was Fast!

I honestly feel like I blinked and missed the weekend - y'all - how is it already Monday? I swear I feel like the weekend just sped by. It probably didn't help that I had a crummy headache for most of the afternoon on Friday and just could not get it to go away. *sigh* Ryan and I were supposed to go to our couples group but ended up cancelling because my head was just pounding. We grabbed BBQ and just chilled for the evening - and thankfully my headache was gone on Saturday morning!

Saturday was a beautiful day - although still not quite warm. A friend posted recently and mentioned that it seems like the world wants it to be Spring but just doesn't quite know how to get there. I'd have to agree with that assessment. My flowers certainly think it's Spring as they are popping open and seeking out the sunshine! Ryan and I ran errands on Saturday morning and I finally got all my passport business taken care of - thanks to a push from Ryan - so glad that's marked off the to-do list!


Saturday afternoon Ryan headed to work and I was planning to go to Gainesville with my parents to search for some wedding shoes... but my Dad spent all day Friday painting the basement and so all he wanted to do after helping with the church Easter Egg Hunt & attending a birthday party (all on Saturday morning) was to relax. So I ended up perusing the aisles of Target with my Mom - where I found a lovely white sundress to wear for wedding events that are forthcoming and also finding some goods on the shelves at Aldi! I spent the rest of Saturday evening just relaxing and ended up crashing pretty early!

Sunday morning Ryan and I had nursery duty at church and Ryan was essentially the baby whisperer! We amazingly only had one little babe and Ryan ended up holding her for the entire hour, snuggling her and rocking her - and she was happy as a clam to be cuddled and loved on! I just rocked in the other chair and enjoyed the peace and quiet... not often things that go hand in hand with staying in the nursery! We grabbed lunch at Buffalo Wild Wings and then Ryan and I had an appointment to make at 2:00 at the George Washington Inn!


We had appointment(s) to get massages - and y'all, it has been too long since I have had a massage! It was wonderful and when we were done, we were able to use the indoor swimming pool and hot tub! And even more amazing - we had the pool and hot tub to ourselves! The pool is heated but it still felt a bit chilly to me, so we ended up just hanging out in the hot tub before we headed on our merry way!

I helped my parents with some details of their weekend painting and did some general tidying up, then had dinner with Ryan and caught the most recent episode of Outlander before calling it a weekend. And truly - I cannot believe it's already done and over with! But - the bright side? This week is only a four day work week! Hooray!

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