Saturday, April 30, 2022

Life Lately - April

April is over! Y'all, how can it be? We are already through a whole third of the year 2022 and that's absolutely nuts to me! People told me that the year of my wedding, time would fly especially - and that has been 100$ true! Less than 200 days to go now... and I'm sure they'll speed by just like the last four months have! 

Eating - The month of Easter and all things Spring! I created a lovely Coconut Cream Cake for my Dad's 60th birthday and it was pretty divine! It was a Pinterest success and I'm so glad I gave it a whirl! We ate at Out of the Blue in Gainesville and my love and my family had their fill of seafood... and I just watched them eat it all (and cracked some crabs).

Easter weekend was quite the feast! My Mom purchased some delicious cookies from our friend Jillian and I whipped up another Pinterest recipe: Peeps Easter Bars, which were some kind of chocolate chip and Reese's Pieces bar topped with melted Peeps! Our Easter day meal was divine: honey baked ham, scalloped potatoes, green beans, corn casserole & cinnamon apples - it was tasty and led to a lovely post-meal nap!

Watching - I finished up the second season of Bridgerton pretty quickly at the start of the month and absolutely loved it! I can't quite decide but I do think I might have enjoyed season two more than season one! There's also one more episode of the sixth season of Outlander to watch before it comes to it's conclusion - and I have to confess, this season hasn't been my favorite. *sigh* But I do still love the show.

I suppose beyond those two shows... I haven't been watching a ton of stuff. Oh wait! That's not true! My fiancé loves all things wild animals and when I'm with him, I've found myself watching all sorts of National Geographic animal shows, ha-ha!

Wearing - My Draper James Orange Blossom Dress! Okay, that's cheating a little bit because I only wore it once this month but I love it and I am so glad they got this dress style/pattern back in because it immediately caught my eye last time it was available but sold out before I could get my hands on it!

I was so thrilled it arrived in time for the Apple Blossom Prayer Lunch - with it's bright pink hue and green accents, it was the perfect option for the lunch! And I will most definitely be wearing it all summer long (and even in the Fall, when I go to Jamaica for my honeymoon!)

Bought - I certainly didn't need another book (no wait - I always need another book) but when I saw that The Palace Papers was coming out this month and at Target I got it for $10 less than sale price, I had to snatch up a copy! I am fascinated by all things royal and am currently devouring this tome! Beyond my new book, most of the things I've purchased in the last month have been wedding-related and haven't actually been purchased by me but were actually purchased for me!

I got the cutest woven basket style purse and a pair of dangly earrings that both say "bride" and I also got some flip-flops that say "Mrs." and have golden bows! And don't even get me started on the gorgeous Barrington tote I purchased for myself with my new initials - I'll be staring at it longingly until November!

Want - What if I told you I don't really have a "want" right now? Would you believe me? I mean, certainly there are things I want but they are more personal and for now I'll keep them to myself. Perhaps if you're reading this, I'd want you to say a prayer for me. 

And if you're my Mom and you're reading this - no need to panic - I just figure we can all use extra prayer, right?

Reading - I'm reading The Palace Papers, of course! I started it shortly before the end of the month and it's been absolutely intriguing so far! I also read An Offer from a Gentleman by Julia Quinn and The Paris Apartment by Lucy Foley - three very different books for the month of April! An Offer from a Gentleman is the third book in the Bridgeton series and follows Colin Bridgerton. The book resembles the age-old tale of Cinderella and I absolutely enjoyed it!

The Paris Apartment was a thriller and although it took a bit to pick up speed, once I got into it - I absolutely devoured it within just a few days! It was excellent and now I think I'd like to read her other book - The Guest List.


That's all I've got for the month of April! I hope everyone had a wonderful month and enjoys the month ahead and Spring unfolding!

1 comment:

  1. I am your Mom and I won't panic - and I pray for you every day!
