Monday, December 17, 2018

Weekend Shenanigans

There are just eight days until Christmas you guys - can you believe it? I finished my Christmas shopping this weekend and I'm just waiting on two or three more items to arrive to be completely wrapped up... see what I did there? My weekend was pretty low key, which is not the way weekend normally go in the run up to Christmas - but I've loved having very little on my plate over these past few weekends.

Puppy snuggles!
The office closed at 3:00 on Friday and for whatever reason, all I could think about doing was going home, putting on my cozy clothes and lying on my couch with my twinkly Christmas tree lights on. That's exactly what I did - and Watson decided he'd like very much to crawl right up on top of me and do the same, ha-ha! I passed my Friday evening doing a lot of nothing... I had soup and a sandwich for dinner while watching an episode of Mr. Robot and then joined my parents to watch Christmas with the Kranks before hitting the sack. 

I slept in until shortly after 8:00 on Saturday morning, which was absolutely blissful - just like my cups of coffee! It rained almost the entire weekend and Saturday was a particularly dreary day. My Mom and I ran some early morning errands that allowed me to completely finish my Christmas shopping and when she dropped me back at the house shortly after lunch, I was able to finish up with wrapping gifts, sit back and admire my tree with all the presents under it.

I was a complete bum the rest of the day - and I have 0 shame about that. I watched The Star and Elf while I finished up my wrapping, then spent a good hour organizing and rearranging my closet before heading upstairs to have dinner. I shared a pizza with Watson (I promise I didn't feed my dog too much table food...) and then took a bubble bath, before settling myself in the front of the fire to watch more Mr. Robot - I'm halfway through season two!

Sunday morning was church and then lunch at the house, watching the newest episode of Outlander and just relaxing through the dreary Sunday afternoon. We met our friends the Hunts and the Eschelmans at Mission BBQ for dinner and then made our way back to the house for our annual Christmas celebration... when I first moved here, the oldest two kiddos were still so wee, Amelia was just a baby and Evie didn't even exist yet... now there are four of them, loud and wild and in the middle of everything!

Amelia is my spirit animal - she loves to take a good selfie!
It's a little harder to earn a smile from Evelyn - but I got one!
We exchanged gifts and the smallest two were enchanted by their new goodies - a Glo Worm ornament, a Country Critters cottage, a singing elephant, a pea pod baby and play ice name a few of the things they got. Amelia (she's almost 5...) decreed a new outfit "oh so cute!" as she held it up to herself and also informed me that the small pieces that came with her critter cottage were "a choking hazard"... I'm sure because her younger sister has a habit of popping anything and everything into her mouth... kids are so funny ya'll!

Chocolate cupcakes are life! That's the face of pure joy!
Silly little ladies...
Our Christmas festivities finished up around 8:45, I took a shower and then perused the internet/social media and the like for about thirty minutes before crawling into bed. Watson was in the center of almost everything all weekend - so much so that I discovered I took more pictures of him than anything else this weekend! He's certainly a spoiled rotten little guy; evidenced by him crying to have the fireplace turned on while we were watching TV on Saturday night - the photographic evidence is below, in the top row - center.

Watson's weekend activities...
And now here we are - the Monday before Christmas Eve, the last full week before Christmas and the second to last week of 2018! Time flies y'all - and I'm sure this week will be over before I know it!

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