Wednesday, February 10, 2016

Watson Wednesday

A little dose of "Way Back Wednesday" for Watson this week - mostly because I can only post so many pictures of him looking all cute and snuggly in his bed. And honestly, that's what he's been excelling at lately. Winter; I suppose, makes taking naps all the more inviting.

Smiling for the camera...about two weeks after he became a part of the family.

Licking the remains of iced coffee from a cup*...

It's so funny to look back at these pictures - I can't believe I've had Watson since 2009! There are times when it seems like he has always been around, bouncing around at the edge of everything and there are other days it seems like I haven't had him very long at all. I know one thing though; I hope he's going to stick around for several more years to come!

*Now - please don't think I routinely give my dog coffee - that was the one time he had a small taste of it, and I think it's fairly obvious that's not my dainty hand holding that cup. 

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