Thursday, March 31, 2022

Life Lately - March

Y'all - March is over! Can you even believe that this is the last day of March - because I know I am over here absolutely befuddled by that! The first quarter of 2022 has come and gone just like that - and what a first quarter it's been! 

Eating - I have been doing a lot of eating at home this month (which may be why I've lost right at 9 pounds) - but y'all know I still have pictures, ha-ha! I whipped up some Crack Chicken Noodle Soup early in the month, we are loving having Hamburger Helper (which I did not grow up on) and Ryan made the most divine Fettuccini Alfredo with Grilled Chicken! *drools*

We tried out a local breakfast spot called Patty's Place and their food was the perfect diner food; I got the best French Toast and Ryan inhaled some Steak & Eggs! We participated in a Passover Meal at church and got to learn all about the significance of the foods eaten during the Seder - it was fascinating, if I do say so myself! Last but most certainly not least - I discovered my new favorite coffee drink: Sheetz Cappucino with Black Raspberry & Vanilla, made with Oat Milk. *sigh*

Watching - I finally got around to watching The Gilded Age this month and it quickly became a favorite! I am thoroughly enjoying the tales about the old money versus new money, social climbers and scandal set in gilded age New York City - it's just excellent and has been renewed for a second season! If you have HBO Now and liked Downton Abbey even a little bit - you should definitely check this one out!

Outlander's sixth season finally premiered in March and I have to say that it's been a bit more slow than other seasons for me! I am still a huge fan of the show and enjoying watching Jamie and Claire's story play out, but I do have to say that something has felt a little lacking ever since they left Scotland behind. What can I say? Scotland has my heart and I dearly love it! It's almost a character in it's own right and while I know they still film there - it is technically supposed to be "North Carolina". *sigh*

Bridgerton... the long awaited second season has finally arrived and I was so excited to see it pop up on my Netflix queue! I've only made my way through half of the eight episode season but I am thoroughly enjoying it... even though I've found it deviates quite a bit from the books! The second season has a bit more backstory and really fills out some of the characters from season one... and the relationship between Anthony and Kate is fantastic!

I've also been watching some reality-type favorites of course: Home Town is still on and I'm loving that! I also love watching the new episodes of Magnolia Kitchen with my Mom from time to time and I am still finishing up the second season of Amazing Vacation Homes on Netflix!

Wearing - I am absolutely in love with my Loft V-Neck cardigans! They come in the best Spring colors: a gorgeous aqua, a bright bubblegum pink, a pale white and a bright sunshine yellow - which I sadly missed out on! These cardigans are the perfect Spring accessory because they provide warmth on these blustery March days we've been experiencing but have that perfect pop of Spring color! 

I actually checked online just now and the sweaters are on sale for $35 - which is a great price point for what is; in my opinion, a closet staple! I am a firm believer that you can't ever go wrong with a good cardigan and it's the perfect wardrobe builder!

Bought - Plants! We bought plants y'all! I have never been one for actually digging in the dirt but Ryan loves plants and we ended up purchasing all sorts of greenery and color for our home this month!

I think I've already shared about my lovely little plants that now occupy space in the living room! They're small and easy to care for but add that pop of greenery that the living room really needed! Ryan also planted Forsythia, Tulips and more in our front bed and put black mulch down everywhere - it all looks excellent and hopefully the wonky weather won't hurt the plants!

Want - I want the weather to regulate into something not resembling craziness... it fluctuates between 25 and 75 in the span of days and it has my sinuses all jacked up! I guess I could have noted in the "Bought" section that Ryan and I ended up overhauling our medicine cabinet with all sorts of things in the month of March because we both were struggling with sinus issues! So - I'd have to say that I'd love and very much want for the weather to go back to something resembling not crazy, ha-ha! 

Reading - Books! Books! Books! I've read a pretty good deal this month! I started the month reading The Golden Couple by Greer Hendricks & Sarah Pekkanen, which was a thriller with a somewhat predictable twist at the end - but still a great read all the same! I'd highly recommend it if you love suspense and twists, it was quite good! I moved on with The Viscount Who Loved Me by Julia Quinn, the book that the second season of Bridgerton is loosely based on. I wanted to be sure to finish it before the second season premiered and I managed to do just that - and I must say that I enjoyed it a bit more than the first book! 

I started the book Get Out of Your Head by Jennie Allen but I confess I only got about a third of the way through it before I lost interest! I definitely need to pick it back up because I could surely use a good dose of learning to take my thoughts captive - but it just wasn't holding my attention! *sigh* I turned instead to The Book of Cold Cases by Simone St. James; a supernatural thriller that gave me some spine tingles as I read it and ended in a very satisfying way! I've started on An Offer from A Gentleman - the third book in the Bridgerton series but I'm not too far into it quite yet!


And just like that - it's time to turn the calendar over to April and move the months along! 

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