Monday, May 13, 2019

Responsibility & Relaxation

Well y'all - I spent the weekend doing a whole bunch of nothing and I have a couple pictures here and there to show for it. I got off work on Friday at 3:00 and after a quick stop to pick up some Mother's Day items, I went home and relaxed in the abundant sunshine with my sweet pup for a bit...

After getting in exercise, I had some red wine while cooking dinner and then I sat down to enjoy my dinner while watching The Show Must Go On: The Queen & Adam Lambert Story - which documents how the band Queen found their current lead singer - and y'all, it was engrossing and fabulous. I have tickets to see Queen + Adam Lambert in concert at the end of July and this documentary got me so incredibly hype! I absolutely cannot wait to see that show!

Saturday was a fairly dreary day - the sun came out here and there for the first few hours of the day and I took advantage of that and got in a 2+ mile walk with the dog, which allowed me to get my exercise out of the way! I spent most of the morning doing laundry, taking a shower and cleaning... I had to be "free" later in the afternoon and evening to man the phone for my broker's office.

Watson and I passed the afternoon taking walks, I did some reading and some blogging work on the computer in between fielding calls and around 5:30 we made a quick run out in the gathering storms to grab some dinner from Taco Bell - a guilty pleasure. After dinner, Watson was feeling incredibly snuggly and ended up sitting in my lap for almost a full hour - it was maybe the sweetest thing and I kept snapping picture of him being so precious and cuddly!

It poured all day Sunday and while I had initially planned to attend church, with the responsibility of manning the phone through the weekend - I ended up changing my plans and staying home so I could answer the phone when it rang. Watson and I didn't take too many walks because of the near constant downpour... I ended up re-watching the first four episodes of the final season of Game of Thrones in between reading, perusing the computer and just generally being a bum...

The temperature dropped during all the rain and every time I took the pup out, I felt like I needed more layers - I think the temperature may have reached the mid-50's before beginning to drop again as evening arrived. We snuggled by the fire and made a Panera Bread run for some soup to have for supper before I took my bubble bath, got myself together for the week ahead and then settled in for the penultimate episode of Game of Thrones

Once the episode aired - I got in the bed and slept like the dead. I told my co-worker that I think the episode was so emotionally taxing that it wore me out because I just absolutely crashed... so I guess that's one positive? And now another week has begun... who knows what it may hold? 

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