Monday, October 14, 2013

Here I Go Again....

Another weekend has flown by - there actually aren't too many left in this year, can you believe it? Time seems to move faster and faster with each passing year; at this rate I can't imagine how time could pass any faster, but I'm sure it will manage it somehow. Not to seem like I'm wishing my life away, but it would wonderful if the week days could pass a little quicker and the weekend could just hang on a little bit longer. Life is ironic like that though, there's obviously a reason for the quote "time flies while you're having fun".

A look back at the week - in (mostly) pictures and short stories.

My Pumpkin Pal keeping me company at work - he came from Wegmans and has "siblings" in Virginia & Colorado.

Watson surveying the morning on Tuesday....

This is my kind of weather - the chill of Autumn in the air! Keep this coming, please.

My owl ring - my little sister named them: Eugene, Lola & Charlie. It works for me.

A stuffed bell pepper for lunch at the office on Wednesday, courtesy of a co-worker.

Watson says "ice cream cake is delicious...please give me a whole slice..."

A hazy Thursday was hazy almost every morning this past week.

Tasting the rainbow while I work on Thursday...

Watson tries on his Halloween costume for the first time - he may not have been in love with it, but he didn't hate it.

Most days, even if I've had my coffee...if it's a Monday through Friday, I feel this way. Until 5 PM.

This episode is a week away - talk about almost 9 years of watching a show faithfully & finally getting some amazing payback! I can't wait! 

My "little sister" McKenna was the sophomore homecoming maid on Friday night at her school - of course I had to be there. Wouldn't have missed it for the world!

Smile pretty - tonight is all about you!

After a semi-lazy Saturday, Watson & I spent a lazy Saturday laying on the couch, finally watching "The Hobbit", which was great.

Watson didn't make it through the whole movie, the blankets pulled him in & he fell fast asleep. He's rotten - I know.

My friend's new baby came to church on Sunday and I was absolutely in love within minutes - babies are heavenly.

My Sunday afternoon nap champ - he naps more than I do on Sunday afternoons!

Taking a Sunday afternoon ride - he loved every minute of it, sweet boy.

This creature also took a Sunday afternoon ride...but his was not as relaxing. What can I say, don't hang on to the antenna if you don't want to go places...

Okay - I lied a little bit. This week it's only pictures. Maybe I'll have more next week? The past week was tough at best and so I think a part of me just wants it behind me. There were good moments and I shared those with my pictures. So, here's hoping this week is better! Happy Monday!

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