Friday, November 19, 2021

Five on Friday

Well y'all - it has been another week. Another crazy week where plans were changed and days didn't quite play out the way they were planned - but Thanksgiving and three days off work are on the horizon and I can make it! I know I can! I am so looking forward to this weekend and then two days of work before we are off for our destination Thanksgiving! 

One. All the Cold Things - This week started off well enough... although I felt a bit stuffy all day on Monday and into the evening, I started to cough. *sigh* I felt pretty crummy on Tuesday but I knew it was just a head cold and so I packed medicine and headed off to the office. I sneezed and snorted through the day and around 2:45 I just couldn't take it anymore and asked to head home - where I promptly laid down and slept... and ended up just lying around all evening.

Ryan worked all night Tuesday night and then got off work and went by the store... and came home with an arsenal of supplies. He set up a vaporizer, had me using a sinus wash system every two hours, eating chicken noodle soup, applying Vicks routinely, taking medicine every four hours and drinking chamomile sinus soother tea. But y'all - it worked! By Wednesday evening I was feeling like a completely different person - it was a miracle!

Two. Flowers - My precious fiancĂ© also brought home more than an arsenal of head cold fighting tools. He also brought home the most beautiful bouquet of flowers, holding them out to me and saying "even though you're sick, you're still beautiful!" 

Call me crazy but there is a part of me that thinks sniffing those flowers throughout the day on Wednesday might actually be what healed me so quickly. Ha-ha! I know - I'm nuts. 

Three. Wedding Dress Shopping - Ooh my! Tomorrow is going to be an experience I've been waiting a long time for! I am going on to two different shops to do wedding dress shopping and I still don't know if I can fully believe it! I think when the stylist helps me into the first dress - I may have a bit of a moment...

It's still early days yet - a little less than a year to go and some might say it's a bit soon, but I plan to enjoy every minute of being engaged and so I am going to enjoy this too! For these first two appointments, my parents are tagging along and I'll have my little sister (also my Maid of Honor) on face time and my future mother-in-law on face time too! It should be exciting!

Four. Weekend Plans - I don't have any! And I'm really thrilled about that, ha-ha! I mean... I am going to Lynchburg on Saturday for the wedding dress shopping but otherwise, my calendar for the weekend is wide open and I'm pretty happy about it. I need to wrap quite a few presents, begin the packing process for our Thanksgiving travels and wash clothes... but I also just want to chill!

Five. Charleston, South Carolina - Our destination for Thanksgiving is Charleston, South Carolina and I am so thrilled! Charleston has long been on my bucket list of places to see and now in just five short days, I'm off to explore this wonderful Southern city with my fiancé, my family and my future family!

I can't wait to check out Rainbow Row, walk along the Battery, see the famous Pineapple Fountain and so much more! We have plans to have dinner on Wednesday night at Poogan's Porch and at some point we are going to check out Magnolia Plantation... but otherwise we are keeping our days open so we can explore! We will be there from late afternoon on Wednesday to early Sunday and I can't wait!


Can y'all believe we are now less than week from Thanksgiving? Where has November gone?? It seems like the final two months of the year always fly past and this year has certainly been no exception - December will be here before we know it! Enjoy your weekend!

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