Monday, August 1, 2016

I Have All of the Pictures...and None of the Words

I'm fairly certain this will be a picture heavy and word light post...well, I actually know it will be picture heavy but the words; I guess that much remains to be seen. Some days the words just flow and other days they get stuck...

It's Monday and so things seem a little more stuck than not - not surprising I suppose. The weekend didn't quite seem long enough and as I sip my afternoon cup of coffee (because that is most definitely a thing...) I'm honestly thinking how nice it would be to take a nap. Ha! Granted; I'm also thinking about the bungee cord office chair I sat in yesterday at The Container Store, because my chair stinks and I want a new one.

So - if anyone wants to get me one of those - I wouldn't say no.

Monsoon on a Monday afternoon....
And then the sun came out immediately....
Eyeballs in the trees...
Snapping up something for dinner...
Apparently I took four pictures on Monday evening and then just put the camera (phone) away as far as photography was concerned. The week itself was pretty uneventful...while walking on Monday evening, I got that feeling that I was being watched...maybe not in a way that is creepy...but just that feeling that something was looking at me - and as I panned to the left, there it was. Peering out at me from across the stream and through the trees...a deer!

It stared at me and I stared back, wondering all the while if it would be possible to get my phone out of my bra (yep - you read that right) and get a picture before it moved or Watson realized it was there and went nuts. Guess what - it was completely possible and I snapped three pictures before moving along. When I passed back by just a few minutes later, the deer was gone...he'd disappeared back into the branches he was peeking out of.

I also saw a snapping turtle just minutes it was a veritable nature walk to be sure. I'm not sure what I did the rest of the week besides work, walk and watch baseball (that seems like a motto...) but the week passed, as it does. Thursday night after a particularly intense rain shower, I went out walking with my Dad and as I rounded a corner on the golf course, I stepped into some mud and my foot slid wildly forward...causing me to scream like I was being brutally murdered....before I managed to get it together, not fall and keep walking.

I'm dramatic in that way and while I made it out of the walk with nothing more than some mud splashed on the back of my leg, it was touch and go there for a second...

Watermelon Cooler...which was made with Peach Vodka. Go figure, right?
Saturday morning laziness...
We spent a large chunk of Friday night looking at furniture and all manner of home decor; it will be time to move in mere weeks (seriously...just weeks now...that is all) and so I'm trying to narrow down which could I'd like to have grace my living room. Among other items, of course. I think I've narrowed a lot down and I only need to make one more stop before I know for sure! 

The major part of the weekend was spent in DC - Billy Joel was in concert at Nationals Park and we've had tickets since way back in January. We stayed at the Willard Intercontinental and it was absolutely lovely; such a grand and storied hotel and I'm so glad I can say I've spent (at least) a night there! Before we headed out to Nationals Park for the concert...via the Metro (living life on the edge, always...) we had dinner at The Hamilton and it was delicious! The setting was beautiful, the service was stellar and the food was so very tasty...I want to go back! They make a grilled cheese on cornbread; seriously, I'm not even a huge cornbread eater (I know...revoke my Southern Belle card...) but it was yummy! 

They also had curried squash soup and yes...oh was tasty! They served the best bread prior to the meal and I decided to go the less is more route (I wasn't that hungry...which is a shame...) and get two "munchies" as my meal - The Sliders and the Mac Bites. Let me assure you, they were both so mouth-wateringly yummy and I would knock someone out of the way to get my hands on some more!

The view from the Willard!
Sliders & Mac Bites - so yummy!
After an uneventful (because you never know with the DC Metro...) ride to Navy Yard, we arrived at Nationals Park and well...I'll just be honest here...because that's what I do: my little baseball loving heart was completely shocked to see my favorite field covered in chairs and speakers and stage and oh my goodness...what in the world?!? 

It just so happens that Saturday was all set to be a very blustery day...complete with rain, thunder and lightning...and so even though our seats were happily located under the overhang of the third deck...when the severe weather arrived at around 7:30, we had to join everyone else on the concourse for our safety. Blegh. Silly weather! The concert was set to begin at 8:00 but because of the rain, nothing really got underway until almost 9:30...but hey, it still got underway! The show must go on, you know?

What have you done to MY baseball field?!?
Impressive...& yet it seems wrong that there are chairs in the outfield...
I hope Billy didn't mess up the lights like T-Swift did last year...
Now - the concert itself was great. I'm not 100% certain how old Billy Joel is at this point (oh wait - the Google says he is 67...) but he can still sing and sing well! I realized as I sat at the concert that I didn't' really know as many Billy Joel songs as I thought I did... My Mom would look at me and say "you know this...right??" and the aforementioned song would be one that was released in oh...1979... 

Regardless of the fact that I didn't know half of the songs, the half I did know were great and the people watching - oh well that was just fantastic. I don't know if you're aware of this but middle age white people (for the most part) cannot really dance well...and I saw a LOT of middle age white people that were really in the moment...and I don't know if they were helped (or hurt) by alcohol intake...but let me tell you, it was entertainment at it's finest! And lest you read this and think that I am on my way to being a middle aged white person who can't dance and how dare I make fun...

I'll get back to you when I hit middle age and catch myself wildly swaying and bopping my head at a concert....hehehe.

The Piano Man doing his thing...
Where are the music note emojis when you need them?
Such a dark picture...but you can see Billy...right?
All the stage lights...turn ALL of them on!
I love the sea of cell phone lights...
You've been out late on a Saturday night when even the Metro is about to shut it down...
I didn't go to sleep until 1:00 AM on Sunday morning...but it was all worth it. I can honestly say that was probably the only time I'll ride the DC Metro at almost 1 AM and be on a car filled with people my parents age! Ha! Sunday morning involved sleeping in (obviously) and a late breakfast at Corner Bakery after a quick (and unnecessary) walk around the block(s) in search of a restaurant that promised breakfast...but then...not quite.

I took some pictures in the lobby of the Willard before we headed out of the city and back toward the country. We stopped along the way at World Market, the Container Store and Trader Joe' was my first visit to those last two and yes, I bought a jar of Cookie Butter because why wouldn't you? We had some gelato at a shop in Fairfax and I was so pleased to see my sweet puppy when we got home - and I think he was pleased to see me too!

The floral arrangements at The Willard.
I do love yellow roses!
They all smelled heavenly!
State seals on the ceiling of the lobby...
While making a quick mile walk around the neighborhood on Sunday evening, I tried to dodge a sprinkler and was quite the fail. As I raced to get ahead of the spray, I slowed down for a split second and it was just a split second too soon. The sprinkler slapped water across my upper thigh at close range, absolutely saturating the whole right side of my body...and if nothing else, cooling me off for the remainder of the walk. As with the earlier incident in walking...I let out yet another wild squeal...but hey; that was cold water and it hit me hard!

Out & about in downtown DC...
I found Frank outside the Warner Theatre...
Always picturesque...every time I see it. I love it.
Birthday Cake & Red Velvet Cake - too much good.
As always, the weekend went by much too quickly and not here it is, Monday afternoon. Perhaps this week will pass quickly and the weekend will go slower? I suppose only time will tell...

One last concert shot that missed it's spot in the line-up!

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