Friday, June 4, 2021

Five on Friday

It's the first weekend of June and here in Northern Virginia, the temperatures are supposed to hit the 90's! Yikes! The plague of the 17 Year Cicadas is still ongoing and is a constant noise in the background. Summer is in full swing....

One. The Cutest Shirt - I stumbled onto the cutest shirt on an Instagram ad... followed the link to Amazon and discovered that it was only $21! I ordered one for myself and it arrived this week, fit perfectly and is absolutely the cutest shirt... so cute, I may have had to grab one more in an orange, navy and leopard print!

I find that sometimes Amazon's fashion options can be hit or miss but this shirt is absolutely a hit. The price point is excellent, the quality seems great and there are tons and tons of options to pick from. So if you're interested, hop on over to Amazon and look for: Ecrocoo Womens Striped Color Block Short Sleeve Casual Blouses T Shirts Top (you know they always have crazy long/odd listings).

Two. I Bought A Tent - You're reading that right. I'm not even sure who I am any more but my boyfriend and I have been discussing camping and when I found this Coleman tent on sale during Memorial Day week, I couldn't resist the price!

Coleman is a well-known outdoors brand and I loved the Navy/Gray/Lime Green color scheme (I know that's not super important for outdoor survival) - so I jumped on the deal. I am now the proud owner of a Coleman two-person tent and I am also a person who has proclaimed that I don't like to camp. Who have I become? *Insert laughter here*

Three. A Perfect Post - This week I have to share a post that I just loved; it really touched me when I read it and so I wanted to share it here. The post is from Motherhood and Muffin Tops, a blog I've been reading for several years now.

The author of the podcast is from near the town (or city, as it were) where I grew up and some of the places and things she references are familiar to me. I just especially loved how she described life as a movie because I often feel the same way. Give it a look, I think you'll love it too!

Four. Unfinished: Short Creek - A podcast that I just finished up today and thoroughly enjoyed is Unfinished: Short Creek, which talks about the FLDS Community in Short Creek, Utah. This is the same community that Warren Jeffs used to lead and the podcast explores the fundamentalist Mormon lifestyle and the people of Short Creek.

The podcast touches on persecution that people of the Mormon faith have experienced in the United States that I wasn't ever aware of. It also touches on the arrest of Warren Jeffs and the experiences of the FLDS community who have left the church - all in all it was absolutely fascinating and I listened to all ten episodes in about three days. It's on Apple Podcasts and Stitcher - not sure about Spotify.

Five. Weekend Plans - My boyfriend is in town for the weekend! Isn't that plan enough? Just kidding... we have some other plans! We are going to dinner tonight at Piccadilly Public House and tomorrow we are heading over to Luray to explore for a little while... maybe I'll take him to the Storybook Trail. We are gonna grill out on Saturday night! Sunday after church we are going to tea at Rosemont - a historic home in the area and then we'll also be touring it. It's sure to be a whirlwind weekend but also a great weekend because I'll be spending it with my favorite person. 


That's all I've got for this first Friday in June - I hope everyone has a wonderful weekend! I plan to!

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