Another whirlwind weekend in the books - memories made of some pretty wonderful moments that I'll hold close for the rest of my life. Happily I got off work early on Friday and sped home (I didn't literally speed) because my favorite person was waiting at the house for me! We caught up and headed out to dinner at Piccadilly Pub with my parents.

We ended the evening by going over to the lake to sit by the edge of the water and watch the sun set. It was pretty peaceful, even with a lot of people at the lake to fish as the sun set... apparently the fish are more likely to bite when the temperature starts to cool off? I didn't know this - but I do now.

Saturday was sunny and the temperature climbed steadily into the 90's - it was definitely a warm day. We spent the morning exploring the countryside, taking in the views all over Page County - I even took Ryan to a favorite "hike" in the area: the Storybook Trail - which isn't even really a hike so much as a paved pathway to a pretty incredible overlook and views of the mountains and valley below.

We had lunch at a local diner called the Hawksbill that was recommended to us by some locals - the food was great, the service was excellent and the prices were crazy (in the best way). I'd definitely recommend it to anyone passing through Page County just for the experience of a small town diner! Once we were back home, I did something I haven't done in ages - I went to the pool!
The local pool offers free passes to the people in my community and with the temperature above 90, Ryan and I scooped up a free pass and headed for the water! It was so much fun to be at the pool again - I have forgotten how much I enjoy spending time lying by the water, being warmed by the sun and then hopping back in again to cool off! We grilled for dinner on Saturday night but had to eat inside since the cicadas have arrived in droves... and will fly straight into you!
Sunday morning was breakfast and then off to church... followed by a quick pit stop at home before Ryan and I went to tea at Rosemont Manor. Ryan had never been to Afternoon Tea before and it was amusing to watch him read the menu, look at the tea items and just be a goofball in general. The food that was served was delicious and we also enjoyed exploring the house and the grounds - at least, I think he enjoyed all of it. *insert laughter*
I felt less than spectacular on Sunday evening which meant we did a whole lot of nothing and I ended up going to bed earlier than I would have liked... but thankfully I felt much better once Monday arrived. It was such a wonderful weekend - but then again - my days have always been wonderful and they are infinitely more so since Ryan came into my life.
Also - please check out the giant and pretty wicked looking cicadas that have arrived here in Northern Virginia as part of the 17 Year Cicada... explosion? I'm not sure what you'd call it, but they are everywhere and the sound of them in the trees is an almost constant sound from sun up to sun down. If you hazard going outside, you have to dodge them everywhere you go - it's definitely an adventure. They should be on the way out by the end of the month - and good riddance I'll say.
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