Friday, March 5, 2021

Five on Friday

It's March y'all - can you believe it? January lasted forever, February feels like it passed in the blink of an eye... and now here we are in the first weekend of March.

One. It's Been A Year - Can y'all even believe that it's been a whole year since the world was turned upside down because of COVID-19? Life as we know has completely changed and regardless of who you are, where you are, what you do - everyone in the United States (and honestly, the world) has been impacted by the presence of this insane pandemic. 

I learned to work remotely, I had lunch on my back deck for months on end... I lost fifty pounds, I now own more face masks than I ever thought possible (because I never thought I'd own a single one)... A year ago I didn't own a face mask and now I buy them as accessories. I flew on an airplane for over eight hours, wearing a face mask the entire time.

A whole nation's life has been changed dramatically because of this pandemic - and it's hard to believe that a year ago, we were just going about our lives - business as usual. 

Two. Amish Country - I'm going to Lancaster on Saturday to explore the land of the Amish! It's been ages since I've been anywhere and so the opportunity to go explore some Amish markets, eat a whoopie pie and maybe glimpse a buggy or two! 

I've been to Lancaster once before - it was years ago and I happened to be recovering from a stomach bug the day we were in Lancaster, so I don't remember much about it. It should be interesting to be back in Lancaster and see some of the sights for myself!

Three. Being Mindful - I read an article in the most recent edition of Magnolia magazine that Joanna Gaines wrote about being mindful where time is concerned. She discussed rushing home to get her kids to bed and not ruin a routine, instead of taking the time to watch the sunset with her Dad. I know I tend to be set in my ways and so accustomed to following a routine that when an opportunity presents itself, I walk away without being mindful of the chance to enjoy something different... and make a memory. I want to try and be mindful about not being so worried about my "schedule" and instead try to take moments as they happen and look for the memory to be made in the moment. 

Four. Noonday - I can't say enough good things about Noonday; a company that I absolutely love to support. Noonday works with artisans in places like Thailand, Uganda, India, Haiti and so many more locations to help women who have been rescued from sex trafficking earn a living doing a craft. The company allows them to restore their lives while making absolutely beautiful accessories!

Noonday recently released their Spring line - I had a party and got some great pieces and my younger sister enjoyed it so much, she had a party too! I'm waiting on the pieces shared above to arrive and I cannot wait to add them to my jewelry collection. I love knowing that I can wear pieces that aren't just beautiful - they make an impact. 

If you'd like to check out Noonday:

Five. It Makes You Think - I know I already talked about this... but just cherish each day. This time last year, we all had no clue how life was about to change. Enjoy every day. Try to find the good in each day; even the bad day, because you never know when everything can change.

Perhaps life will never actually be the same - who knows. You can't even know when you're life is going to change but you can try to live life to the fullest, so that when those changes come, you know you've made the most of it.

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