Well. This weekend absolutely flew by...just like I thought it might! Happily I was able to leave work at 3:00 and go home to walk my pup and relax just a wee bit before heading to church for the Lavish Women's Conference! I grabbed a quick bite in the volunteer's lounge and then was a welcome-r for all the women attending the conference.

We had worship and listened to our awesome speaker, Nicole Smithee and of course, snapped the excellent pictures above before I headed home for the night. I got home around 10:45, hopped in the shower and then hopped immediately into the bed because my alarm for Saturday was set to 6:15. Y'all - that is earlier than I get up for work! What in the world??
I was up so early on Saturday that it was still dark outside when I got up and as I drove to the church (coffee firmly in my grip), the sun was coming up! I snapped a picture before heading inside and the day just unfolded in rapid succession....

We had awesome Strite's Donuts for breakfast (which were free - because volunteer!) and snapped a whole lot more pictures as we flitted around from sessions to lunch to worship to our final session and before I knew it, it was 3:15 and the conference was wrapping up!

I helped do a bit of clean up and then made my way home for supper and to just chill out! *sigh* I had such a great time at the conference but I was also so happy to just be at home, go grab dinner and then have a chance to take a bubble bath and catch up on Mr. Robot from the coziness of my couch! I didn't last too long though and I was sound asleep before 10!
Sunday was just a drizzly and damp sort of day... I sipped my coffee and got ready for church. After church I met my Dad for lunch at McAlister's, popped into Wal-Mart to get some supplies for cooking supper on Monday night and then headed home. I loaded my pup in the car to go see if the Gingko trees at the Arboretum had fully turned yellow yet... and y'all, they aren't even close!
When we came back home, I started a quick load of laundry and played catch up on This Is Us while sipping coffee on my couch. I mean - what else are you supposed to do on rainy days? I got my clothes together for the work week, organized and put away some things in my home and we had pizza for dinner. I took (another) bubble bath, watched the latest episode of Poldark and then climbed in bed!
Oh yes - and in the middle of all that organizing and setting out clothes, I couldn't resist snuggling up to my sweet pup who just laid on the end of the bed and watched me going about my business. He's such a silly little love!
I cannot believe that the final weekend of October is looming - it seems absolutely nuts!
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