Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Here We Go!

Isn't that bracket beautiful? Weeks ago when the post season started, someone made predictions and their predictions had the Nationals in that National League circle... having defeated all the other teams in their path and making it to the World Series. It was beautiful to look at - but then; then it was only a prediction. But now... now it's the real thing.


It’s October 22nd - and my Nationals are one of two teams still playing baseball! The Autumn Classic begins tonight! Suffice it to say that I'll be taking lots of deep breaths over the next week and a half - at the most. If it takes seven games to decide the winner, then by next Wednesday night there will be a new champ.. if it takes seven games. I am so excited and so nervous at the same time - who knew sports could be so exhilarating? 


Actually - for me, only baseball is this exhilarating. So - think of me fondly this week, likely curled up in the fetal position watching the games unfold through my fingertips! Man - postseason baseball is fun! 

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