Monday, August 27, 2018

...Paved with Good Intentions...

Well - my weekend was nothing much to write about - I literally have 6 pictures from the weekend and they involve either my pup or food and drink, which sums up most of the weekend quite well.

Friday night my family and I got dinner at Outback and then made a shopping stop at Wal-Mart to get some items for Saturday evening's dinner guests. The rest of the evening was passed doing very little - my Mom and I made our way through some episodes of Outlander and lest I forget, we discovered a new favorite show on Netflix - Escape to the Country!

The show is essentially House Hunters but takes place in the UK and features families moving to the English countryside and every single thing about it is insanely delightful and if I could, I'd crawl through the TV screen. The views are astonishingly beautiful, the Brits on the show are delightfully endearing and the cottages and homes on the show are so perfectly quaint and charming. *sigh* I love it so much!

Saturday morning, Watson made a little trip to the vet for some vaccinations and a check-up and he got the clean bill of health - the little guy weighs 17.5 pounds, has nice muscles, clear eyes and ears and a ticker that is steady and stable! I put together a Berry Lemon Trifle for dessert for our dinner with friends on Saturday night and we all dined outside because the weather this weekend was absolutely lovely!

Sunday morning - well this is where the whole "paved with good intentions" comes in because we had plans to go out for lunch after church and pop into a couple stores but I woke up with a headache but soldiered on. Throughout the sermon, my head pounded more intensely and by the time we'd made our way to the restaurant parking lot...I was afraid I was going to be ill. We went home and I spent a large chunk of the gorgeous afternoon lying on my couch and waiting for the headache to pass.

Around 4:00 I finally began feeling okay again and later in the evening we went out for dinner and made a quick Target run. The evening was rounded out with my traditional Sunday evening bubble bath and another episode of Escape to the Country! The weekend was very relaxed and didn't necessarily go as planned - but it was a nice weekend none the less.

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