Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Think Before You Speak

I am on a roll this week – so far I've posted every day. Today’s post is pretty serious but when I stumbled upon this article; the way it was worded so perfectly spoke to my feelings that I knew I had to share it. I've copied and pasted the article below but I've also put the link to the article below. This article; for the most part, speaks so perfectly to my current feelings; I've even high-lighted some points – take a look.

26, unmarried, and childless
“What’s Next?”
Both of my brothers recently had kids that more than likely complete their families. They’re both older than me, so it makes sense they’re at a different stage. They met and married their wives, they bought dogs and they had kids, all in a nice little sequence. I love watching them build their lives together. It’s a really good thing. When my last brother got married, I was in my early twenties. No one uttered anything about me getting married then.

But now? I’m 26 years old, unmarried, and childless. The comments are starting.

“What’s next?”

“When are you getting married?”

“Babies look good on you!”

“Better get started!”

shouldn't be overly concerned with what they’re saying. They’re only teasing or encouraging me with the next step in my life. It’s harmless! No one means anything by it, it’s just time for me to be heading in the same direction as my peers. It makes sense. I get it.

But it doesn't feel very nice.

Believe me, I am fully aware that I am unmarried and childless. Heck, I don’t even have a real job at this point in time. I’m aware that I’m getting older. I’m aware that I’m not following the same patterns as my parents or my brothers or many of my peers. I’m aware that my biological clock is ticking. OH MY GOSH I AM SO AWARE.

So when you — friends, family, acquaintances, Twitter followers and blog readers —  remind me that I’m far behind where one would expect to be at my age, it makes me feel broken. I feel like I've done something wrong. I feel like I’m letting you down or making some horrible mistake.
Instead of relishing in the freedom, blessings and limitless possibilities that this stage of life offers me, I am left frozen, feeling like I’m not enough. Like what I've done doesn't really matter or that I've accomplished nothing. I’m an outcast. I’m defective. I’m panicked. When you comment on my life stage as if there was something I could do to change it, it makes me feel inadequate. Most days I truly do love where I’m at right now, but when people question my marital status, I think I’m messing up my chances to do anything worthwhile with my life.

What if my ultimate goal has nothing to do with marriage or kids or a career? What if my aim was to love people well, and to fully embrace the gifts I've been given? Would that be enough? What if my life goal was to simply run the race, to be called a good and faithful servant at the end of it all? Maybe that would mean marriage and children and a thriving career, but maybe it wouldn't. Is it OK if it doesn't?

When you ask when I’m getting married, I don’t have an answer for you. When you hint at me having kids, it makes me jealous of new parents. When you prod about my lack of a stable career, I get frustrated. When you ask these questions, it doesn't help me grow. It doesn't help me feel content with where I am. It does more damage than you realize. Maybe you’re just trying to make conversation or small talk, or maybe you’re genuinely interested in my life. For that, I’m very appreciative.

I would like to suggest one thing, though: instead of asking me what’s next, ask me what’s now. Ask me what God is teaching me, ask me what I’m struggling with, or what brings me joy. I am learning, I am growing, and I am happy. I would love to tell you all about it.

I am 26 years old. I don’t have a husband. I don’t have children. I don’t have a career. I don’t have what people expect I should have, but I am abundantly blessed with absurd, exhilarating, and fantastic things I would have never dreamed up on my own.

So please, my dear friends, don’t ask me what’s next. Ask me what’s now.

So – there you have it. Except, let me edit for you a little bit. I’m 28…getting dangerously close to 29 (25 days people…25 days. HUGE SIGH) and I’m unmarried and therefore, also childless. I hear these comments all the time. The kicker though – I’m not really thrilled with where I’m at right now. I’d love nothing more than to be married and have a child, but I don’t. And sometimes, while people are merely asking to be funny, or curious, or even just kindly joke – it cuts like a knife.  Unfortunately, there are also people in my life who ask these questions to be cruel and that is worse.
Here’s the truth of the matter – I’m trying to seek the Lord’s will for my life while my heart is aching to have these things. Right now, apparently those two things don’t coincide. So, perhaps the next time you see me, instead of asking these things:

“You’re such a great girl, how haven’t you found anyone yet?” – I don’t know, I wish I knew…but when you say that, it’s meant to be kind and yet it still feels cruel.
“You’re so good with kids; when are you going to have your own?” – I’d love to tell you that, but I don’t have that answer. I’m looking for that answer myself.

Maybe, like the article says, ask these things:

“How have you been?”
“What are you up to right now?”
“Can I pray for you about anything?”

So – there you have it. Sorry to get so deep and “emotional” today, but I had to share.

The link to the article and the website it came from:

1 comment:

  1. ahhh i read this today too - such wonderful insight and i'm so thankful to have you in my life in just this season you are in. Praying for you daily! i love you!
