It's Monday - even my car knows it. My blinkers have been working so well for the past couple weeks and this morning, they just gave it up completely. I couldn't get a turn signal for anything. I guess that was the car's way of telling me: it is Monday, I am NOT prepared for this quite yet. Okay car, I get it. I feel your pain. I don't think I'm ever ready for Mondays...but they come all the same.
As always - the past week in review!
Stretched out on Monday night - obviously he had a rough day. |
I stumbled on this on Tuesday morning...too true. |
And as I look at that - I realize that it works both ways. I blogged last week about how I wanted to be a wife and mother; but as I've looked at that sign/sticker/whatever all week while I've updated this, I've realized that the people I envy (because, yes...I envy's a sad truth) may; at times, be envious of me. I get tired of sitting at home alone, watching movies with just the dog. Sure, it's enjoyable sometimes but it gets old if you do it two or three weekends in a row. That being said, there could be people I'm friends with that look at my life and wish that for just one night, they could be alone and choose to do whatever they wanted. So - with the knowledge that this too will pass and life comes in seasons, I'm going to try to be more thankful for my "alone" time, hoping that one day I'll look back on it and laugh because I didn't realize at the time what a blessing it was. Does that mean I'm completely okay with being alone and that I'll be able to comfort myself with that thought every time I get down? No - but I'm trying. And that's what being human is about; trying to make the best of things. Blooming where you're planted. Seeing the sunshine through the clouds. And all the other ways I could phrase that - you get it. Moving on!
Autumn window clings - my old ones were...well, old. So I found these at Dollar General & decorated up the front door. |
My favorite soup mix - discontinued at Wal Mart but found on sale at Bed, Bath & Beyond. I got two bags. I should have bought all that they had. I'll cry when I'm out... |
Correct me if I'm wrong, but a bug bite doesn't normally look like this; right? Also, excuse my ugly, pale flesh. |
Ha-ha, definitive proof that my Mom is far more awesome than yours. |
So - my Mom had two girls and with that came pink, puffy bows and dresses, dolls and all the general girly things. I'm all for the general girly things but as I've gotten older, I'm also a really big fan of things like superhero movies, comic books and sci-fi. I'm basically a big nerd. Case in point - I went to see Star Trek: Into Darkness this summer, by myself...because no one wants to see those kind of movies with me. I was the only girl in a theatre full of guys; ranging from super nerdy to average Joe in appearance. When I left, an extremely nerdy boy just stared me down as I passed him - I still don't know if he was in shock over the movie or because I was a girl in a Star Trek film. Looking back, I really wish I'd held up my hand ala Spock, told him to live long and prosper and kept on walking...but, missed opportunity. *sigh* That being said, this exchange with my Mom on Tuesday night cracked me up because I've obviously trained her so well - she knew who Loki was! Go Mom! Now I just need to get her to watch Star Trek....
Baths are obviously akin to being dipped in acid at our house - until he gets out and then he runs through the house with joyous abandon. Crazy dog. |
A hot air balloon on the way to work Wednesday morning... |
Pumpkin Spice coffee...spiced up with some cinnamon. Wednesday's always require afternoon coffee. |
Bookworm? Me? Doesn't everyone read 1800+ page Russian novels for fun in their spare time? They don't? Oh...well okay then. Just me. |
Hiding out on Thursday morning - he had no desire to go anywhere. |
I'm a little bit owl crazy, what can I say. |
YES! I am victorious! |
So - I'm going to brag a minute. I am by no means a whiz with a computer. I can handle myself pretty well but you won't see me doing anything too complicated - social media, emails, Microsoft Office - those are all my speed. Configuring my iPhone with iTunes took some time. I've been trying to find the song above for weeks and weeks...but of course, it isn't on iTunes. I stumbled upon an MP3 of it linked from the video on You Tube and was content to finally have it on my computer at least. Thursday night, I was determined to find a way to get it from my computer to my cell phone, via iTunes. I thought it would be much harder than it was but apparently once I opened the song with iTunes, it was saved in iTunes and from there, it just went right on to the phone. Easy though it was, I was still really pleased with myself. I may or may not have text my best friend to let him know that I'd conquered the computer and gotten my song on my phone. He responded in kind and told me he wished he could "like" my accomplishment a hundred times. It's the little things people...
Friday yummy. So unhealthy. Who cares! |
Oh, be still my little, all things nerd loving heart. A graphic novel and Star Trek. JOY! |
It rained Friday - which should be taken lightly. Because that's how the rain fell - very lightly. |
So many movies to watch... |
I had no plans this weekend and nothing pressing to take care of - so I was very much a bum. I watched four movies over the course of Friday night and Saturday. Three of the four I've already seen and absolutely love: Warm Bodies, Star Trek: Into Darkness and The Great Gatsby. I recorded Life of Pi when it premiered on HBO a couple weeks ago; I'd wanted to see it in theaters but a girl can only go to the movies so many times by herself before she gets tired of it. Now that I've watched Life of Pi (which was really good y'all, check it out!)...I want to read the book. Because that is kind of how I roll. I like to read and compare. I just recently finished reading Warm Bodies and so I wanted to watch that again - because I'm a fan of the comparisons; and while the book and movie are similar, they are not one and the same. The Great Gatsby though - pretty similar to the book. I've still got to read Life of Pi and Star Trek: Into Darkness...well, I don't really know that it has a book, but it does have Benedict Cumberbatch (Lordy, what a name to be saddled with) and he completely owns that movie. It's awesome.
It felt Fall-like on Saturday...if only it would keep feeling that way! |
Watson got to come on a drive with me Saturday - it was finally cool enough that I could leave him in the car with the windows cracked & not fear he'd melt. |
A spiky, spiny little caterpillar on my porch.... |
Watson loves a good movie too - he really enjoyed the Great Gatsby. He said he'd love to take a swim in the bay between East Egg and West Egg. |
Watson also loves a good bed - in this case, he thinks the bed in the guest bedroom should be his. Silly little boy! |
I re-arranged again. I know, I have a problem. Maybe I need furniture re-arranging rehab? I don't know. |
That's not where a steeple goes.... |
I didn't get out of the nursery hardly any on Sunday - a serious lack of nursery workers left me in the nursery in the morning and evening. Which...was fine. I got to play with my goofy little buddies all morning and they are such a blessing. Nothing can make a bad day better than the silly antics and hugs from sweet little ones.
My two goofy little buddies! |
They're so silly - they know what a camera on the cell phone is and want to take hundreds of pictures, so they can look at them, point and say "Is ME!" Ha-ha! |
Such a sweetie...he said "I wanna picture." |
And this one - she kept grabbing the ball up, running for my lap and squealing as she jumped up into my lap. What a little goofball. |
We also took a plane trip - to Montana. Because that is what Ruby Kate said; I named places and apparently Montana sounded good. I had two of the cutest seat mates...but the stewardess was a little silly. |
My Nanny fed me lunch on Sunday - yahoo! I love my Nanny! |
The dangers of childcare - when you pretend to be a monster & chase a two year old, your knees take the brunt of it. Ugh. They look really cute this morning. |
Baby love on Sunday night - I love those sweet cheeks! |
Sunday night eats after good. And there is fruit on that plate, even if it's hard to find. |
Well - that's about all for now. I leave you with this sign, which I saw posted on Instagram this weekend and thought that it just about summed things up perfectly. I hope you have a good Monday; I'll be trying my hardest to do the same!
Truth. |
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