Thursday, October 7, 2010

I Didn't Miss My True Calling....Hallelujah!

I was a sub today at good ol' West Lauderdale Elementary. I was a little apprehensive at first, but not for the reasons one might think. I was a little concerned that I might spend the day with kids & decide that I had missed my true calling & needed to be a teacher. I spent my day with 1st graders. I had a revelation, but not that I had missed my calling.

I was never meant to be a teacher. I love kids; kids are awesome & amazing. I don't want to be a teacher though. I can handle "teaching" in substitute teacher increments. I will keep on subbing (Lord willing) until I get a job. I can now say with confidence that teaching won't be that job.

Spending time at the elementary school today brought back a lot of memories. I watched the kids all playing together & it made me remember being little. A time when your biggest worries were subtracting 2 from 8, coloring inside the lines & getting your friend to trade snacks with you during snack time. I remember running around with wild abandon on the playground, holding my best friend's hand & thinking that boys most certainly had cooties & were impossible to understand. But who am I kidding, boys still have cooties & I think the older I get, the harder it is to understand them.

It was nice to be a "teacher" for a day. I wouldn't want to do it every day for 9 months. I think that teachers are special people that the Lord blesses with a gift for teaching. The Lord gives everyone special gifts & I know that being a teacher isn't one of them. So, for now I've removed one job option from the list. Teacher = nope.

Besides, I'm sure my parents are thrilled to hear that. If I came home & announced that I was going back to school, they might faint. :)

1 comment:

  1. this made me glad you didn't figure out you needed to go back to school - ha ha :) love you!
