Friday, August 6, 2021

Five on Friday

 It's the first weekend of August (the first full weekend) and it's going to be filled to the brim! Life is so full right now and so very exciting. 2021 is really proving to be the most wonderful year and I am absolutely enjoying watching this stage of my life unfold.

One. Ryan Moved to Virginia - That's right y'all, my fiancé is now a Virginia resident! It's absolutely a thrill to have him not only living in the same state, but just about 10 minutes down the road. His job transferred him and he didn't miss a beat - this man y'all - he is a go-getter & such a hard worker!                                                                   

I am probably a little too excited about going to dinner with him tonight. It's just such a normal couple thing to do but we haven't done a whole lot of that since the first five months of our relationship we were in Virginia and Pennsylvania with West Virginia and Maryland between us. *sigh* So - cheers to my precious fiancé becoming a Virginia resident. 

Two. The Planning Begins - Wedding planning is full steam ahead and I am finding it all so exciting! Flowers? DJ? Bridesmaid Dresses? What is my wedding dress style? Fun fact - my style is Classic and nothing about that surprises me even a little bit. I told Ryan and he said "what a shock" with a complete deadpan. *laughs* 

I got the most wonderful planner from Etsy - the company is Starboard Press and I've since discovered they have a website! This planner is absolutely perfect and has so much space for keeping track of all the things to be accomplished before November of next year! Eek! So exciting! 

Three. Catching Up - I am so excited to finally get to catch up with my sweet friend Katie this weekend! All the praise hands! Y'all - she had a baby and I still haven't met the sweet little nugget - she was born in Spring of 2020 in the midst of the pandemic, so I'll finally be meeting the sassy little lady tomorrow and I can't wait.

I've seen Katie since March of 2020 but only once - that pandemic y'all - such a mess. I can't wait to finally meet Freyja and have some girl time with Katie. I'll have to visit again (of course) to catch up with my little buddy Orion because he'll be doing some man stuff on Saturday, ha-ha!

Four. Weekend Plans - All the plans this weekend! I'm going to dinner with Ryan this evening and I know that will be lovely. Tomorrow I'm mailing out some wedding related goodies, catching up with my friend Katie and making a quick up and back trip to Pennsylvania with Ryan to get a couple final personal items.

I'm hoping to squeeze in a quick stop in Harper's Ferry on the way home from PA to show Ryan and maybe get some dinner - we shall see. And on Sunday, after church we are heading to the Alamo to see Jungle Cruise. Ryan has never been to an Alamo Drafthouse and it's personally one of my favorite places to catch a movie - so I can't wait to introduce him to it.

Five. Here's Watson - I just don't have much more this week y'all, so I am leaning on my favorite fall back of all time... my really cute dog. He has developed a habit of burying his head in the treat box in the pantry every time the door gets opened - he is something else y'all. 

He is also 100% dog and I forget that sometimes. We discovered some baby rabbits in the yard recently and unfortunately... a few days later Watson discovered them. *sigh* I know he's just being a dog but bundling up a poor baby bunny wasn't really in the plans for this week... and he seemed pretty pleased with himself too. Dogs - both hilarious and a little horrifying.


That's all she wrote for this Friday y'all - get out there and enjoy your weekend. Summer is coming to a close and Autumn is waiting in the wings. 

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