Monday, February 8, 2021

Oh Look - More Snow!

You guys. Y'all. I'm telling you right now - Winter is taking revenge this year. I'm telling you. Last year there was very little snow... I mean, it snowed maybe once. Can I tell you that it snowed again this past weekend and there is snow in the forecast for eleven of the next fifteen days. ELEVEN. There is so much snow in the forecast that it's not even fun to say "Winter is Coming" anymore. I'm just over it.

I got off work early on Friday and headed straight home to grab my hat, my Hunter boots and my pup. I took him over to the lake to walk around a bit since it was almost 48 degrees and that's practically a heat wave considering how chilly it's been lately. 


There was still plenty of snow in the shade around the lake, especially in the wooded portions of the trail we wandered... and I cannot tell you why, but my dog preferred to walk in the snow. I think that wouldn't be so nice but who knows? We wandered through the woods, along the dam and over to the lake before stopping to chat with a man who rescues Jack Russells - it was a nice little adventure and Watson enjoyed every minute. 


I'm not sure why (work has been nuts, maybe that's why) but once I got back to the house on Friday, I didn't feel like doing anything. Not even driving to pick up something for dinner. Thank goodness for Door Dash! I ordered Applebee's, curled up on the couch and then watched WandaVision and the movie Promising Young Woman - which... whoa. It was a very chill Friday night - which was nice! 

Saturday morning I went to get my hair done and that took up most of the morning - as it usually does. I'd planned to take Watson to the Arboretum but the sky clouded over pretty well and the wind picked up and so I wasn't certain I wanted to drive somewhere to walk around. I ended up taking him down to the trail that surrounds the lake and he had a blast!



A huge section of the lake was still frozen but the small stream trickling out from it was fine - and he leaped across it, dove at leaves and sniffed every twig, branch and bit of forest debris that he could find. I tried to enjoy the brief glimpses of sunshine because they were just that - brief - and the weather was forecasting more snow for Sunday. *Sigh*

I passed Saturday afternoon with adventure walks with Watson, watching Fixer Upper and reading some chapters of The Silent Patient, the book I'm currently reading. I placed a Panera order and Watson rode along with me to go pick it up - starting the ride wrapped in a blanket and eventually creeping out of it to watch the world pass out the windows. The rest of the evening was uneventful - I finished the show Rome, took a bath and just enjoyed the evening.


Sunday morning when I woke up - I had a little bit of deja vu. The world was covered in white and snowflakes were falling thick and fast, piling up the snow everywhere! Amazingly, it feel like that until about 11:00 and then, halfway through watching my church service I noticed that the snow had stopped... and then the sun came out! 

After shoveling the driveway and sidewalk and having some lunch, I took Watson back down to the lake trail to explore again - it was like a whole different world, snow everywhere and even more of the lake was frozen! The sunshine meant that it also sounded like being near a rushing river, everything was already starting to melt!

By the time we made our way back up the hill and into the neighborhood, the snow was melting and streaming down the hill in a little river. It continued to do that for the rest of the day... drip, drip, dripping it's way into oblivion. Granted - all of it didn't melt, there is still plenty hanging around to be piled on when it snows this week. 

The final picture here isn't mine - a neighbor took it early in the morning on Sunday morning and shared it with everyone. I wanted to share it here because it's just so beautiful. And I'm trying really hard to see the beauty since there is so much snow in the forecast... but I'm really just looking forward to Spring breezes, green grass and blue skies. Y'all have a good week!

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