Friday, August 7, 2020

Friday Feelings

It's Friday but honestly - I don't have a whole lot to share this week unless you want to settle in for a session all about my feelings. I like to think this whole pandemic skewed world we are living isn't affecting me as much as it is - but then there are weeks like this one where I just feel tired.

Tired of the endlessness of this pandemic and the constant wondering when life will return to something resembling normal - if ever. I am trying to embrace this season and find joy in it and honestly - I've been able to to do that here and there. However, some days (or weeks) just feel particularly draining and on a whole just leave me feeling a bit tired of it all. I'm sure y'all understand! 

I've shared an article before by Erin Moon - she's involved in the Popcast and is all around just a lovely human being. I get her newsletter each week and she shared today the ways that each Enneagram was (potentially) coping with this whole pandemic - and as a six, I thought I'd share that list here with you. 

6️ Sixes
“Stay informed about all sides of the argument. And drinking.”
“All the news, because if I can know enough I’ll be safe obviously.”
“Deliberately avoid the news yet stay informed so I can try to stay prepared.”
“I play “It Could Get Worse” and find random catastrophes that are yet to happen.” “All things murder/true crime. It could be worse!”
“Laughter and comedy - watching funny stuff and telling funny stories.”
Re-watch TV series where I know the ending.”
“Comfort shows like The Office and Great British Baking Show"
“I read cookbooks for things I’m never going to cook. Very little chance of failure there.”
“To be honest the only thing that has helped is Prozac.”
“Showering in the dark!”
I can honestly say that one of those points that 100% rings true for me is deliberately avoiding the news but still trying to stay informed. I can't stand the news - I didn't trust the televised stuff to begin with and then a friend that works in the news media told me print was my best bet, so his advice just solidified my thoughts on that. 

I generally play "It Could Get Worse" sometimes when life is normal (whatever that means anymore) and I absolutely love re-watching favorite shows. I read somewhere that people that have anxious tendencies love watching their favorite shows over and over because the ending isn't surprising and that's a comfort... which, I'll buy that. Although nothing about Game of Thrones ending was a comfort... *sigh*

3 Ways to Have a More Productive Weekend | Chegg Play

I'll cease and desist with the rambling for now. I'm going to do my best to find some joy this weekend and try my best not to let the craziness and monotony of the day to day get me down. I'll be back next week and hopefully be feeling like my normal delightful self. 

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