Friday, August 14, 2020

Five on Friday

One. Floss Your Teeth - This my PSA for you to go to the dentist! You know the perfect way to start a week? Go have a root canal done; it's superb! Nothing really kicks off a Monday morning like almost having a panic attack about your impending root canal and then having said root canal done...

I jest. Sort of. I did have a root canal on Monday morning and I did feel like I was going to freak out a little bit - but then I didn't. And the root canal wasn't so bad, so I scheduled another one for this Tuesday! Seriously though - don't skip the dentist and start flossing. That's your advice for the day.

Two. Cookie Therapy - If you live in the Northern Virginia area and need some seriously spectacular cookies, I cannot recommend Cookie Therapy enough! A friend in the neighborhood introduced me to her cookies and they are the most beautifully made cookies and they also taste delicious! 

The cookies above were for a baby shower that my Mom co-hosted this week and they are just the most precious little cookies I've ever seen! You can find her on Instagram at cookietherapy18 - her work is stunning and tasty! 

Three. Curse the Covid - I know we are all thinking that.. it's not a new thought or anything but my younger sister posted this meme below on Instagram earlier this week and while we'd all like a vacation, she was referencing how long it's been since we've all seen each other. 

My younger sister actually lives in another country at present and so with all the travel restrictions in place, I haven't seen my sister since December of last year! She's seen my parents a bit at the start of the year but that's about it. We all had plans to see her before now but then COVID arrived with it's life ruining ways... 


That's about all I've got for this Friday - not five things, just some things. Y'all have a good weekend.

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