Thursday, February 14, 2013

A Weekly Wrap-Up...Early...

So - this is the Weekly Wrap-Up that I normally do...but you're getting it a few days early because I'm leaving on a jet plane (sing know the words!)...and I won't be back till Monday night! I'm going to Colorado Springs to spend a few days with my sister, my Momma & my Nanny. It will be my Nanny's first time visiting Colorado Springs & seeing the Air Force Academy, so I'm sure looking forward to having a great couple days in the Springs with some of my family!

This week has seemed to speed along for a little while & then grind to a halt & drag at times. I guess when you've got places to go & people to see that's what happens. So far this week hasn't really had anything that thrilling to speak of - no unexpected packages, events to attend or otherwise random fun to be had. I just went to work, came home, ate supper, slept...repeat steps through 3 again. We've been very chill this week, at least at home. The evidence of this is below; Watson's yoga poses:

I don't even know what he is doing...

This definitely isn't downward facing dog....

Let's play the staring game - don't be the first to blink!

Sunday night was kind of crazy - the weather was really bad in MS on Sunday. My Alma mater, the University of Southern Mississippi really took a beating in the storms, especially since a tornado saw fit to roll right down Hardy St in Hattiesburg. Thankfully, it wasn't too bad in Collinsville, although you wouldn't know that from Watson's reactions. I went to church on Sunday night & did what I thought was the kind thing & left him inside. When I came in I had to search the house for him, only to find him hiding under my bed. Not only was he obviously terrified of the weather...but he'd had some kind of wild freak out in the bathroom - my rugs were tossed around like crazy. That silly dog, I just don't know about him. He's a mess for sure.

The crazy rug pictures are below - as well as several others from this week, thus far. Hope y'all have a Happy Valentines Day. Or as I still like to call it, Singles Awareness Day. *sigh*

I mean - what in the world?

I asked him what had gotten into him - this was all I got in response.

Someone brought donut holes to the office - FAIL.

A brief glimpse of the sun on the way home Monday afternoon - it rained so much. Most of Sunday, all day Monday & most of Tuesday. Blegh.

Water water everywhere...and not a drop to drink...

My porch was more like a dock....

Watson on the ottoman, ready to watch Bones & Dallas on Monday night.

Tuesday started out so promising...but that only lasted about 15 minutes.

Tuesday night - the rain was getting to us all.

My once sad Daffodils were so happy to see the sun on Wednesday - even if it was only out in brief spurts...

This is the "why are you packing that bag, I don't like it" face...

I fit everything I needed into a bag that is just a carry-on. I'm kind of proud of myself.

Watson's face this morning when he saw the suitcase. My heart broke just a little bit.

I think I did pretty good though - it doesn't look too fat!

Another sad packing face from Wednesday night. Bless his heart - I told him he could be my carry-on.

Just taking a picture before I left on Thursday - he refused to look happy.

The End!

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