Tuesday, December 6, 2022

The Honeymoon - So Many Kittens!

It’s a rainy Tuesday – so let’s look back at a not rainy day in Jamaica, ha-ha! Our second day in Jamaica was quite laid back as we had no plans and nowhere to be until our dinner reservation at 8:30, so the day was open wide to us!

Monday night during dinner, a cat had wandered onto the patio where we were dining and we’d both given it some pets… well imagine our surprise when; while we were having coffee on Wednesday morning, two little kittens appeared! These two little guys would pop up throughout our trip and we learned that the kitten population at the resort had been named “Sandals’ Babies”. A server at the beach told us she’d found one stretched out on a beach lounger one day, soaking up the sun! What a rotten little bunch of fluffballs! We helped rotten them though, giving them bites throughout the week whenever we’d see one of them!

We’d intended to head to The Southern Table restaurant for breakfast, but when we arrived we were told by other guests that we could not miss the breakfast at the French restaurant and so, instead of turning right into the Southern restaurant, we headed left and into all things French! We laughed because our dinner reservations on Wednesday night were also at the French restaurant – so we started and ended our day there, ha-ha! We had the Local Juice of the Day – which was Soursop (it was interesting) and a wonderful breakfast before heading for the Sport Beach!



We’d planned to take out a Hobie Cat but we were told that there wasn’t enough wind for that – so we settled for soaking up the sun and trying out the Aqua Trike and also kayaking around the beach area for a little while! The weather seemed to be in a bit of a mood; it couldn’t decide whether to be sunny or not! We made our way to the Mariner for a late lunch after plenty of time spent beachside and poolside and while we were eating under a little cabana, the rain started in earnest! 


We ended up going back to our room for a little while and sitting on our patio, watching the rain. Once it seemed like the rain was going to pass – we headed to one of the pools we hadn’t been to yet and settled under an umbrella… and less than ten minutes later, the heavens opened up and it absolutely poured. Again. We attempted to hide from the rain under out umbrella but did get a wee bit wet, ha-ha! I suppose it didn’t matter too much since we were wearing bathing suits.

As you can see, we did spy the kittens again later that afternoon. They were hopping around all over the place under the giant jungle-like foliage that was plentiful on the resort.

After a day spent in the sand and sun, we both needed time to freshen up and get ready for dinner! Our plans were to hit up the Speakeasy at the resort, but we learned after arriving that the Speakeasy didn’t actually open until 8 PM! Fun fact – no one had mentioned that to us, and we’d had to question multiple employees to get the password for entry into the Speakeasy that night. That’s right – there’s a password and the employees know it, so you have to question them to find out what it is, ha-ha! Since our original plans were foiled, we ended up enjoying a drink while listening to the piano player in the lounge until it was time for our dinner reservation!

The dinner at the French restaurant was quite tasty – Ryan especially enjoyed his lamb shank – but I think we both agreed eating dinner at 8:30 at night isn’t for us, ha-ha! If there is one thing we’ve already figured out as a married couple – we like to be in bed before 10 PM, ha-ha! Even on vacation, we were apt to be asleep before no later than 11:00 and “sleeping in” for us was 7:30! Our second full day was full of plenty of chill time and we really enjoyed ourselves!

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