Tuesday, February 8, 2022

Cupcakes, Macarons & Hamsters

What a title - am I right? The first weekend of February passed in a blur and the cupcakes, macarons and the hamster all happened in just one short hour on Friday night! Friday was a really rough day at work, can't lie. I ended up in tears at my desk more than once and so when 5:00 came around, I was ready to run for the door and home - where there were homemade pizzas and a fiancé waiting for me.

Ryan came by my parent's house for dinner and to visit for a bit before his Friday night work shift - the homemade pizzas were delicious and when dinner was over, my Mom and I went to our neighbor's house where she was hosting a Noonday Collection show.


Brookes sells Noonday and wanted to show off the new Spring line - everything is gorgeous - of course! It was really nice to spend time with some of the ladies from our neighborhood, enjoy some tasty treats and even hold Hannah's hamster - Peanut! He was the softest, squiggliest little ball of fluff and I'm now convinced that I need a hamster of my very own. Ryan is NOT convinced of this....

Saturday was just a generally chill day - I slept in (if you can call sleeping until 7:45 that) and then did some laundry, poked around the house a bit, did a Target run and then popped over to Ryan and I's house to cook pastalaya for dinner and watch a movie with Ryan - we chose Jumanji: The Next Level and while it was plenty funny, it just wasn't quite as good as the original. Isn't that always the case?

Sunday morning we attended the early service at church and then piled in the car with my parents to drive to Lynchburg to pick up my wedding dress. When we ordered it back in November, we were told it wouldn't be ready until at least mid-April but then I got the notification that it was in the store in late January!

It was a long time spent in the car - almost three hours there and three hours back - but thankfully the company was excellent and we passed the time well. The appointment itself only took about twenty minutes and then we were back to the car with the wedding dress all bundled up, a veil in a bag and the appointment with the seamstress set for early May! 

We dropped Ryan back at our house on the way home (Ryan & I's house - that sounded confusing) and I headed home with my parents to do some laundry, take a little bubble bath and get ready for the week ahead. I feel like the weekend passed in a blur - but at least it was a nice blur and there were cupcakes, macarons and a hamster!

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