Friday, April 9, 2021

Five on Friday

One. Spring has Sprung - I feel like I said something similar to this last week (I checked - I didn't) but wow, this week has been the most incredible week! The sun has shone every day, the sky has been the perfect shade of blue and the trees are blooming into life all over the place - it's been spectacular!

I am so blessed that my office has windows that make up two of the four walls and my desk faces the windows so I can stare out at the gorgeous Spring scenery outside my window! There are white and pink trees all in bloom outside my office and I have so enjoyed watching them sway in the breeze all week. I do love Spring - it's a wonderful time of the year! 

Two. Zach Williams Concert - I'm going to a concert this weekend and I'm so excited! Zach Williams is doing a drive-in theater tour and I'm going with some sweet friends on Saturday night to watch the concert at our local drive-in movie theater!

I had never even been to a drive-in theater when I moved to Virginia - although I have now! This is an actual concert at the drive-in - it won't just be broadcast at the drive-in; the bands will actually be there performing in person! I'm really looking forward to it... I'm really just looking forward to the whole weekend!

Three. Catching Up - I'm going to a birthday party on Sunday afternoon and I'm looking forward to catching up with some friends that I haven't seen in ages! What with busy lives and of course... the pandemic... I haven't seen some of them in literal months. I think I haven't seen some of them since last April - so almost a full year! It is so nice to feel like some semblance of normalcy returning to life and I especially love knowing I get to catch up with friends this weekend! 

Four. The Ultimate Beggar - I couldn't resist sharing this snap of Watson from Thursday night. At first glance it seems like quite the sweet little snap but as you scroll down you can see his claws gently digging into my leg! 

He is the ultimate champ when it comes to begging - he has cries, moans and especially enjoys employing the tap of his paw as a way to get your attention. He's pretty much the cutest thing ever! 

Five. Prince Philip - I cannot believe that Prince Philip has died. My friend text me this morning to let me know and shortly after her text, the news outlets started reporting that he'd passed away this morning at Buckingham Palace. He would have been 100 this year and honestly - bless his heart - he's looked a little bit like a walking corpse the last few years - I think we all knew this day was coming.

As a fan of all things related to the royal family - I will be intrigued to watch the spectacle play out over the next few days and see how they honor his life. I know my heart hurts for Queen Elizabeth, who lost the man she called her "strength and stay". 


It's the second weekend of April - time marches on and I'm looking forward to the weekend! Hope you are too!

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