Monday, November 2, 2020

Tis (all) the Seasons

It is a very blustery Monday today - the first snowflakes were spotted this morning while I was walking Watson and trying to keep us both from blowing away. The snow flurries cleared out pretty quickly and the sun has been shining all day long! Now if only that wind would calm down a bit too! 

The past weekend was a good one - man was it a good one. After a day of dressing in Colonial style at the office with my friends, I headed home and was treated to the sight of a gorgeous rainbow arcing across the sky and through the clouds. There was another rainbow - somehow even more vibrant - arcing across the sky as we headed out to have dinner and run some errands. 


We had dinner at Red Lobster - I don't think I've eaten there in years and it was all good but my favorite was definitely the Peach Pina Colada that I got. YUM! Please excuse the excessive use of Halloween themed Snap Chat filters - I couldn't resist! I grabbed some final items for traveling, Christmas decorating and storage before heading home to watch the new season of Somebody Feed Phil - which is just one of the best shows there is! If you haven't checked it out, I can't recommend it enough!

Saturday morning after coffee and a quick shower, it was off to do a few more shopping and Christmas-related errands before heading home for the afternoon. I made sure to wear my Sanderson Sisters earrings to have some Halloween spirit and passed a portion of the afternoon watching The Legend of Sleepy Hollow before getting our Trick or Treat table ready in the driveway.



The neighborhood I live in decided to do socially distanced Trick or Treating this year - so tons of people set up tables with individually wrapped, individually bagged candy set out. The kids could stop by, grab a bag and keep going - all without making any contact! We sat in the driveway, well back from the tables and watched the parade of little people that came along, grabbed a sack of candy and (for the most part) said "thank you" as they continued on their merry way! I rounded out the night with a viewing of The Haunted Mansion and some candy of my very own! It was a wonderful Halloween!

Sunday was a lovely day - it started cloudy but by the time church was over, the sun was peeking through the clouds and the sky was blue! We had a delicious brunch at Regions 117 and then when I got home, I went into full on decorating for Christmas mode. Since I'll be in the UK for the next couple weeks (at least that's the plan today) I wanted to get everything decorated for Christmas before I left so that when I come home, I can just bask in the glow of the Christmas lights!

I definitely got my mission accomplished - two Christmas trees in place, all decorated and all my additional decorations are good to go! After having some dinner and taking a nice bath, I even ended up basking in the glow of the Christmas tree in my living room while I read for a while. Watson promptly crawled under the tree - as he usually does - and then hopped onto the couch to snuggle with me by the glow of the lights.

It was a good weekend and I can't believe that we are already in November! I can't wait to see what this month holds in store!

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