Having said that...
I am seriously not sure how it is already Monday - I swear this weekend passed in a haze of gin, power tools and IKEA boxes. That sounds wrong... sort of. There was only one gin cocktail and perhaps only one power tool but plenty of other tools that required human power. There were (and still are) IKEA boxes though... and there's a sink sitting in the gray armchair in my living room. So - how did your weekend go?
I got off work early on Friday (thank goodness) and was able to get in some exercise before going to see the Downton Abbey movie - which was absolutely fabulous! The movies was where the gin cocktail came into play: gin, Earl Grey tea, mint & lemon - it was divine and paired especially well with the Dowager's Biscuits (walnut & pineapple cookies). After a last minute Lowe's run and some tense Nationals baseball - I went to bed!
Saturday morning was a day. Whoosh. After coffee and breakfast and more coffee, it was time to get down to pulling up carpet and putting down wood flooring for my kitchen(ette) area and let me tell you - it is not as easy as you might think. I mean...pulling up carpet is not terrible but look out for carpet tacks, they'll stab you in the finger! A straight razor was found just lying under the carpet - obviously left behind by the diligent builders.
The carpet came up, the flooring went down (not as easily as the carpet came up - let me tell you) and every time I helped my Dad use the circular saw, I prayed to the Lord that neither of us would end up losing a limb or finger(s). I'm pleased to say the only injury was my slightly sliced finger courtesy of the carpet tack. Well; that and some severely sore muscles, when I woke up on Sunday morning I was feeling some struggles - maybe sitting on the hard concrete on my knees was not a great idea?
We had some pretty tasty Brunswick Stew for supper and I took a much needed bubble bath complete with Epsom salts - which maybe made a different where the sore muscles are concerned? I have no clue. I know I was really happy to hop into my bed on Saturday evening.
Sunday morning we changed our plans up some and made our way over to Manassas to grab brunch at City Tavern before popping into IKEA for kitchen shopping! It was not nearly as crowded as it was about a month ago and I think we managed to get the kitchen cabinets sorted, pick up a few accessories and get out relatively unscathed - although the Vinterfest section did derail my Mom and I just a bit - because it was just all so cute and affordable.
The rest of the afternoon was passed putting together IKEA furniture (so far it's not quite as insane as advertised), watching the Nationals fail at baseball *sigh* and having some delicious pizza for supper. I also watched the Emmy's which were way too long, way too dull and Game of Thrones only won two of the multitude they were nominated for... *sigh* again. Granted - I didn't think they were deserving of anything in the writing and directing categories because the final season was... grim... but the actors/actresses are all absolutely stellar.
Oh well - that's all. I guess I have to figure out about that sink in my living room at some point soon...
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