Sunday, March 2, 2014

Spring has Sprung...Now Let's Hope it Sticks Around Awhile

March is here! That means for the next three months, the skies will be blue, the temperatures will hover between 65 and 75 and glorious spring breezes, lightly scented with freshly blooming flowers will rustle the crisp green trees, right? Okay - I know, I know...a bit dramatic but a girl can dream, right? I'm sure there will still be chilly days and I'm almost certain there will be a crazy thunderstorm or two (although this girl wouldn't shed a tear if all those spring storms stayed away) and somehow by April it will probably be 90 degrees. Oh well, this past week the weather was pretty lovely and we've got to enjoy it while is lasts, right?

Pale pink flowers on the trees at lunch on Monday!

One lone daffodil greeted me at home on Monday night!

Okay, so I have been watching a show called The Vampire Diaries almost since it began five years ago and this past fall, the show had a spin-off called The Originals that premiered and of course, I decided to watch that as well. What's beside the point is that The Originals is actually (in my humble opinion) a wee bit better (at this point) than the Vampire Diaries and in the past few weeks, The Originals has really reeled me in! Imagine my surprise when I was watching in early January and one of the characters admonished her new friend, calling her "Clara Summerlin!" I had that episode DVR'ed and so I had to record that moment with my phone and send it to my Dad, who got a pretty good kick out of it. I figured it was a one time thing and was pretty tickled with it...but then this past Tuesday, lo and behold Clara Summerlin was back and was a large point of the storyline! Of course, I text my Dad again and this time since the character was on screen for more than a second, I snapped a picture. So - check out Clara Summerlin, circa 1920's New Orleans - at least per The Originals!

Clara Summerlin y'all - who knew? I do love that headband!

Oh my...but someone, somewhere read my mind!

Another Watson tale (or tail, if you will pardon the obvious pun) for you this week - I know everyone loves a good story about my dog-child. I have a pillow top that usually goes on my bed but I'd been having some back issues (I'm twenty-nine going on sixty, it's delightful) and so I thought I'd take it off and see if that helped or made it worse. I tucked the pillow top into the corner of the guest room and thought not too much of it until Tuesday night when I couldn't find Watson anywhere. He wasn't asleep on my bed, he wasn't asleep on the couch or chair in the living room, he wasn't in his bed and he wasn't asleep on the guest bed - and I was almost about to panic and think I'd lost him; when, as I turned to leave the guest room I saw something wagging from the corner. That's right - he had buried himself into the folds of the pillow top and the only sign of life was his tail, wagging ninety miles a minute at the sound of me coming in the room. A mess I tell you, he is an absolute mess!

This nut - he never ceases to crack me up!

This forecast is just not cool...I mean, it's downright cold & I'm not okay with that.

I snapped this baby up on Wednesday afternoon for just $22!

Another crazy tale - because my Mom and I are both nuts. It's obviously genetic because as crazy as she is, it had to trickle down in some form...right? She told me on Monday that she'd mailed me a weasel in a padded envelope and we took that and ran with it; you know the phrase about giving someone an inch and them taking it a mile...well we went about ten miles with the weasel in a padded envelope. We discussed with complete seriousness how enraged the weasel would be upon arrival and in what direction the package should be opened so as not to be attacked directly in the face by the aforementioned weasel that had been trapped in the padded envelope for up to three days. We kept this conversation going for three days and there was always no joking involved; we were serious about this packaged weasel...and then my Dad caused us to lose it. My Mom mentioned on Wednesday afternoon that I was stopping at the post office to pick up my weasel and to open the package carefully and I was telling her I'd do my best and my Dad suddenly interjected and said "excuse me - she's picking up WHAT at the post office?" And that was when we lost it, cackling with laughter...although now that you've read this, you probably think we lost it a long time ago! 

My package...which had been referenced all week as a "weasel in a padded envelope..."

A sign that you are about to have a wild & crazy Friday night? You start it buying groceries...

Sunset in the Wal Mart parking lot - it was so pretty it distracted me from being vigilant. *GASP*

I have decided that Watson is quite convinced that my Queen size bed is actually his - it certainly is his favorite nap spot, of that there can be no doubt. I usually change my sheets once a week, on Friday nights...because as we've discussed before, I live a raucous lifestyle full of sheet-changing, laundry washing crazy good fun...especially on Friday nights! Watson has started staking out a spot in the middle of my bedroom floor where he can watch me do this, so that is able to know the exact moment that he can get back on MY bed and take a nap. This past Friday night was no exception; once I got the sheets on he thought it was time to hop right up onto the bed and settle in...which, nope. Once I coaxed him back off the bed, he settled onto a blanket on the floor, sighed and gave me a look that let me know I needed to put a jingle in my step and get that bed made ASAP. As soon as I was done, he leapt onto the bed and looked at me as if to say "that's all I need you for now, you can leave me - thank you." Too much personality for such a small dog.

This is really MY bed, right Mom?

Not acceptable. Thankfully the DVDs all play perfectly or I would have really lost my mind.

Having a raging wild party on Friday night....wait, what? This isn't how you party?

I'm thrilled to see March...because it means Spring...

And since I'm so excited about Spring, I drank out of my mug that says Winter is Coming! I'm a contradiction wrapped in an enigma...

It was a glorious day - Watson thoroughly enjoyed (one of many) naps on my bed, while a breeze came in the open windows.

Fluffy, puffy clouds in the beautiful Saturday afternoon sky!

So upset he missed watching Thor - that tenth nap of the day lasted longer than he thought...
Oh Saturday...Saturday was a good day. It was a calm, wonderful and really chill day - besides the lugging of laundry across the yard to and from to my Grandmother's, although that was made pretty funny because Watson seemed to think it was the most delightful thing to walk back and forth, back and forth, back and forth...because we were doing it together. Precious puppy. The weather on both Saturday and Sunday were splendid, sunny with a beautiful breeze and soft fluffy clouds sweeping across the sky and so Watson and I tried to make sure we spent some time outside. I put out all my Spring decorations, in hope that I'd coax even more Spring-like weather out and I threw caution to the wind and opened up my windows, to let the outside in. Watson and I were planning to watch Thor: The Dark World on Saturday night but of course Watson abandoned me to sleep on the bed for two hours instead. Once Thor went off, I watched the opening hour of The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey for what must be the tenth or eleventh time...but hey, what can I say - I love it? Especially the beginning! 

I haven't trained him to sit, beg or bark on command - but I've trained him to take a Sunday afternoon nap for sure, sometimes even on the couch with me!

Enjoying the sunshine on our back porch steps....

Seriously - such pretty weather. Can it stay like this for maybe at least the next month?

No interest in the Oscars - he was asleep before Ellen even started talking...

And - that is the week in a nutshell. Another Monday is coming - nothing that I'm looking forward to that I know of, because Mondays are always...well...Monday. But hey, I've got the Oscars to watch so I'll get back to that and hope for a delightful week to come!

I leave you with this: Benedict Cumberbatch photo-bombing U2. Because it's easily the best picture of the me.

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