Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Chicken Kindness Bake

This recipe is so named because I was reminded today that people can surprise you. Just when you think you've got a person pegged, they will do something that makes you think twice about who they might truly be....and so with that, I cooked myself up a new and delicious chicken dish....because who doesn't love some chicken, am I right or am I right? It's my I'm right! Ha!

The six very simple ingredients

All ready for the oven...can you find the chicken?
Ingredients List

- 4-6 boneless chicken breasts, thawed
- 8-10 small new red potatoes, washed and cubed
- a handful of baby carrots, snapped (or sliced) into small pieces
- Italian salad dressing
- onion pieces
- vegetable seasoning mix

Fresh out of the oven - and it smelled delicious!
How to Make It!

- Preheat the oven to 350, put your chicken breasts into the casserole dish.

- Cut your potatoes and carrots into small pieces (I'd probably cut mine even smaller the next time I make this...they cooked but would probably cook a bit better if smaller) and throw into the dish with your chicken. 

- Top with onion, vegetable seasoning and about half the bottle of Italian dressing,  use more or less depending on your preference and cover the whole dish with tinfoil.

- Cook for 45 minutes covered with tinfoil. Remove foil and cook another 15 minutes. 

- Enjoy!

Piping hot and ready to go into my stomach!

So yummy! 
So there you have it - a new dish to try out. A dish that was; for me, born out of kindness. Go get you some chicken, taters and carrots and whip up some supper!

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