Friday, October 6, 2023

39 Facts for Thirty-Nine!


39 Fun Facts About Me for My 39th Birthday:

  1. I can whistle... but not well. I have never mastered whistling by blowing out - I suck air in.
  2. I majored in Anthropology in college. I minored in Forensic Science. My "advisor" waited until I had one class left to graduate to advise me I should have flipped those around...
  3. I've now lived in three states and five towns within those states. I moved for the first time at 2.5 and didn't move again until I was 29.
  4. I've traveled to seven countries so far in my life! I've been to Canada, England, Scotland, Italy, Germany, Austria and Jamaica... I think if I had to choose, Scotland would be my favorite, but Germany is a close second!
  5. I have never been a night owl; I'm definitely more of an early bird! Now that I've admitted that - I can't help but think of the line that says: "I'm not an early bird or a night owl, I'm some sort of permanently exhausted pigeon"... and man - I feel that most days! 
  6. I don't always have a full face of make-up on and if I'm going for a less than full face, I always have on mascara and lip gloss.
  7. I absolutely love the movies! If they weren't so darn expensive (what isn't these days) I'd probably love to go once or twice a week! I just love the idea of sitting down in the dark, leaving the real world behind and being transported to another place for a few hours.
  8. I love to cook but I don't have a favorite recipe or a "go to" recipe. Perhaps one day I will have one, but not quite yet...
  9. Hobbies/Skills I'd like to learn: crocheting, cooking (more) and being a better photographer! I also sometimes think it would be really cool to take fencing and I'd love to try pottery!
  10. I love my Apple watch! I didn't think I would like having a smart watch as much as I do - but I just find it so handy and really love having it! It's probably ruined me for normal watches!
  11. I love to read! I am almost never without a stack of books waiting to be read - but that stack doesn't ever deter me from buying more books to add to my stack! 
  12. I don't love to shop - I have to be in the mood. But when I am in the mood, I love to try on clothes, and find the perfect accessories to go with the clothes! I can always be in the mood to buy shoes and knick knacks for home decor! 
  13. My favorite fast food meal is just about anything on Chick Fil A's menu but especially the new sandwich that has pimento cheese on it - I love that stuff!
  14. My husband and I will be looking for a new home next year and thankfully we seem to have similar taste in home decor! We are some sort of cottage core/industrial combination with some rustic touches... if that's even a style. *shrugs* It's our style though.
  15. When I was younger, I was very into really intense colors in my living spaces - my living room was once done in red/yellow/black with gray furniture. It was fine, but I definitely think as I get older I am more a fan of neutral tones with warmth. It's much more peaceful.
  16. I do not like reality TV at all. Life is "real" enough without watching manufactured drama that is peddled as reality. That's just me. 
  17. My favorite brands for shopping are Loft/Amazon/Target... and honestly, Wal-Mart has some really cute things here and there! I'm not big on brand names -  I look for styles I like and good quality/good prices!
  18. I would prefer a text message to a phone call. Yes, I'm one of "those" people.
  19. I hate flying - but I love to travel. The compromise? Taking Ativan to keep me (mostly) calm. There is too much in this world to see to let a little fear keep me on the ground!
  20. One of my favorite things I've ever purchased in my Barrington Gifts tote that has my married initials on it! I bought it almost six months before my wedding, kept it in the box and made sure to pack it to take the weekend of my wedding - I made sure I used it as soon as we were married, ha-ha!
  21. My favorite Bible verse is Galatians 2:20.
  22. I don't like seafood or eggs - I've never been much on seafood and shrimp made me sick when I was small. I used to eat eggs all the time but got the worst food poisoning ever from eggs - so they are not something I rush to eat anymore.
  23. I majored in Anthropology and minored in Forensic Science in college... so it might surprise you to know that I've made my career in Wealth Management.
  24. I like to keep my phone battery above 50% but I will usually drive until my gas light comes on. Not sure what makes the difference...
  25. I didn't even live on campus when I was in college. I don't know that the decision was good or bad - but it definitely was the right decision for me. 
  26. I've had a multitude of pets growing up: tadpoles, several goldfish, two hamsters (Ariel and Ariel II), several cats (Misty, Snowball, Indy... a whole host of kittens) and several dogs (Hunny, Tanner, Blitz, Watson and Luna). 
  27. I am more a mountain person than a beach person - but every once in a while I crave time spent sitting on the beach while the waves roll in. 
  28. I am very passionate about getting my flu shot every year! I haven't had the flu in ages - and I like to think that it's because I've gotten the shot! 
  29. Do you remember playing the game where you bent the soft drink can's tab back and forth, reciting letters... and when it broke off, that was the first letter of your future spouse's name? You might not - but I do - because mine broke off on "R" and I married Ryan.
  30. I love having my nails done and I'm a huge fan of using Color Street! I've also discovered that I'm actually a fan of press-on nails; they are a lot better made than they used to be when I was a teen!
  31. As much as I love to read, this year was the first time I set a reading goal for myself - I challenged myself to read thirty-two books and I'm actually reading book number forty right now!
  32. I am a die-hard Disney fan. I know people have lots of opinions about the company (and I do too) but I will always try to look past the political and focus on the magical. 
  33. I've been a part of the full-time work force for thirteen years now and in that time I did a stint as a receptionist in a clinic, worked in an insurance office and worked in wealth management - which is my current job! I've been at my current job for eight years and eight months! 
  34. I'm a big sports fan: I cheer for Mississippi State at the collegiate level. While I am a huge Washington sports fan (the Nationals - the Capitals - the Defenders), I love the New Orleans Saints where NFL football is concerned! 
  35. I got my first tattoo at the age of thirty-eight (this year). No word yet on if it's going to be my only tattoo...
  36. I love calendars! I have a planner in my purse, a calendar on my desk at the office, a calendar hanging in our kitchen and a digital calendar on my phone. And yes - sometimes my friends make fun of me for all the calendars! 
  37. I'm a dog person. I'd love to also be a cat person but usually cats make my sinuses go nuts... and that's not so pleasant. 
  38. As of October of this year, I'll have had my blog for thirteen years... and counting!
  39. When I started my blog I had just graduated college, I was unemployed, single and lived in central Mississippi. I'm now gainfully employed at a job I enjoy, married to a wonderful man and live in Northern Virginia. Life - what a ride! 

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