Monday, August 19, 2024

We Survived the Move!

Survived is the key word here - ha-ha! I would say I'm joking but man, I'm not! Last week was kind of a wild experience but thankfully, we are in our house & slowly but surely getting it livable! The week started off with some family trials on Monday, then some work trials on Tuesday... and then on Wednesday morning, I found myself feeling a little under the weather. It got worse as the day progressed... 

By the time I headed home around 4:30 - I was aching all over and was pretty horrified to discover that I was running fever! Between the sore throat, headache, cough, fever and achiness - I was worried I was coming down with the flu, so we started praying, Ryan whipped up some chicken noodle soup and I was loaded up with medications! Ryan even made me go to bed at like... 8:15! He's a hard task master when I'm sick - but his ministrations worked because thankfully I woke up on Thursday feeling almost normal!

We signed all the paperwork to become homeowners once again on Friday, August 16th at 3 PM - and by 4 PM, we were back at our new home, beginning the process of moving things in! If I'm being honest; with the lead up to the move being so stressful, I found the moving process to be really overwhelming this time around. Everything went so smoothly, so I absolutely have no complaints but man - I was definitely feeling some sort of stressed around 6:30 on Sunday afternoon when all was said and done! Thankfully - each day has gotten better!

We spent Friday night in our guest room (our new mattress didn't get delivered until Saturday) and with the help of Ryan's friends and co-workers, and my parents - everything was in the house before lunchtime on Saturday! I didn't realize we had so much kitchen stuff; but holy cow, if there is something you need for cooking - we've got it! And I had to try and find places to store it! Thankfully, my parents gifted us a hutch and once that is in place, we should have much more storage!

We made our first grocery run on Sunday evening before picking up our kittens to bring them to their new home and as we were leaving the Food Lion, there was a gorgeous rainbow on display! Our house is starting to feel like home and we are slowly but surely getting things put in their proper places - bit by bit! I know it will take a little while to truly get everything like we want it, but in time I know it will all be perfect! 

I think our home is shaping up to be quite lovely - don't you? I can't wait to share more as we continue to make progress on making each room and space just perfect for us. 

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