Monday, August 26, 2024

The Last Week of August

One might wonder if this was going to become a cat-heavy blog and I suppose maybe it will ... they just do so many funny things and since I am not ready to fully share our house yet, what I can offer you is silly cat antics! Loki is definitely the alpha male for our two silly kittens, while Spook just kind of follows along with Loki's antics! 

The kittens are getting much more adventurous in their explorations - we arrived home mid-week last week to discover they'd knocked over my flowers and also dug in the plant sitting on the corner of the counter, so we had to reassess. They were initially hesitant about us, but they are getting over that uncertainty even more each day! They are definitely not uncertain about hopping onto every chair, table and spot they can access to investigate - every space must be explored! 

Loki has truly gotten bold over the weekend; he absolutely wanted to sample my pizza on Saturday at lunch, even going so far as to reach out and bat his paws at my plate! We have been blessed to have my parents come over and help us get things organized and in place - Ryan and my Dad were able to put up a huge storage unit that Ryan's mom gave us over a year ago, so now we have tons more storage for things like our bikes, the grill, and tons of outdoor stuff. 

We also got curtains hung in our bedroom and finally got WiFi on Sunday; the Comcast guy finished up just in time for us to make it to second service at church! I think the house is finally almost complete with the basics - if only we can get our washer and dryer delivered, we will be in business! The kittens seem to be fascinated by the TV once we got it all set up; they definitely are paying some attention to what's on TV! 

The weekend passed so quickly because we were busy trying to get the house to a more livable place - so that once we come back from Norway, it will be business as usual. I leave you with a picture of Spook, attempting to "garden" with my indoor plant - hopefully he won't completely destroy it now that I've moved it (hopefully) out of his reach. 

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