Wednesday, August 21, 2024

Loki & Spook

We are now a family of four - two humans and two little furballs - kittens, to be exact! We picked up our little guys on Sunday evening around 6:45 and they have been keeping us amused ever since; which is a good thing since we don't have Wi-Fi until Sunday, ha-ha! 

The boys were born to a cat that just wandered up at my boss' house pregnant - so to say they were born wild is a true statement. However; from the time they were tiny, they have been around their foster family - so they aren't completely feral or anything, ha-ha! Having said that - they still aren't too sure about us as their new humans! We are slowly coaxing them out with treats and evening food/play time and they are getting more social every day. 

They are well-trained with their litter box and for the most part, don't seem to be too bad about clawing things... although who knows what they get up to when we are at work during the day? Suffice it to say, I haven't yet come home to anything damaged or destroyed (knock on wood). It seems their favorite place to relax is in the front window sills where they can soak up sunlight and watch the world passing by out front - it's always cute to see them sitting in the window when I get home from work. 

So far - they are very motivated by treats and food - but hey, who isn't? They still seem a little more skittish than I'd like to see them, so we are going to try some calming chews and a diffuser that emits some calming pheromones that help with stress and anxiety; it's a whole new situation for them and I am trying to remind myself that it will take some time for them to come around to us completely. 

We are definitely enjoying watching their silly antics as they play around the house, learning to play on their cat tower and especially when Spook sees his reflection and seems to be wondering "who is that handsome devil of a cat that I'm staring at?" Ha-ha! They seem to know their names pretty well - their foster family used their names in the weeks leading up to us adopting them, so when we call them they usually look at us and if they think there is food - they'll come! 

They are certainly keeping us amused and I know they will for a long while yet - so here's hoping we have a future of funny cat antics, snuggles and purrs.

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