Tuesday, May 14, 2024

Mother's Day Weekend - 2024

Another weekend - another moment in time captured through photos and memories that will be cherished. April seems like it flew by and May is clipping along at top speed too! Time is absolutely flying by this year (then again, I feel like I say that every year). 

The weekend started pretty gray - check out those strange, swirling clouds that I took a picture of on the way out of the community on Friday morning! Regardless of the gloomy start to the weekend, work went smoothly and then I headed home to chill for the weekend - Ryan and I had dinner with my parents and their life group from church, then we just chilled, decompressed from work and watched some TV before crashing for the evening. It was a really love, really chill start to the weekend! 

Saturday morning didn't start too early, thank goodness! I took my Mom to the nail salon and we both got pedicures; I also got my nails done again, and I love them! On our way home, we stopped in at a semi-new pastry shop in Front Royal called Melania's, which was the most chic little shop with some of the loveliest pastry's, cookies and chocolate creations I've ever seen! We purchased a few items and confirmed we'd absolutely be back in again - this place is fabulous! 

After a quick lunch at the house, Ryan and I joined my parents for the annual Flower & Garden Sale at the Virginia State Arboretum; which feels like it's also an annual Mother's Day Weekend event, ha-ha! The event has nurseries, garden centers and all things outdoors on display, vendors lining the gorgeous wide open space of the arboretum - including food trucks offering kettle corn, coffee, fried goodies and more! Like my especially delicious Honey Blueberry Frappuccino - so divine!

Have you ever seen such beautiful flowers and plants? Ryan and I thoroughly enjoyed peering at all the plants, taking in gorgeous wood carvings and pottery, sipping some iced coffee and checking out each and every pup that passed us as we explored the booths. 

My Mom loaded up one of the little red wagons that the arboretum had on hand - she got purple, golden yellow and green plants (they were all green, I suppose) to spruce up the yard for the Spring. I can confirm that these lovely plants are now thriving in the front yard and look spectacular! 

Mother's Day was a lovely day; for the most part, thankfully some lingering clouds that started the day cleared out by lunchtime! We attended the last service of the day and then took the scenic route across the mountains to Luray to have brunch at the Mimslyn Inn. It's becoming a bit of a tradition it would seem - since we went there last year too! 

We had a leisurely drive home and spent the afternoon doing a whole lot of nothing; which was nice. I did get some reading done, spent some time sorting through clothes and things to be sold at the upcoming yard sale this weekend and also spent some time with Ryan. It was; all in all, a nice day. Even if the weekends always seem like they pass too quickly!

Please enjoy this little snapshot of my plant windowsill in my office - this was taken on Monday morning; I hope that I will have some additional blooms in the weeks to come! 

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