Friday, May 24, 2019

Five on Friday

It's finally Friday y'all! I have to level with you - this week has seemed long and the latter portion of the week was rough. *sigh* I am so looking forward to this weekend and I'm especially looking forward to the fact that it's a three day weekend. Those always seems to arrive just in time - don't they?

One. Aladdin - Well...Summer movie season is upon us, although I guess Avengers: Endgame really kicked all that off but it only recently started to actually feel like Summer. I digress! I'm going to see Aladdin tonight, the first of two (three?!?) Disney live action remakes coming out this year - and I'm hoping it's good! I dressed as Jasmine for Halloween once when I was younger and I remember thinking I was very sassy in my two piece costume... here's hoping some of the original charm has translated to the live action version...

Image result for aladdin live action

I'm still not sure how I feel about Will Smith as the Genie... but I definitely also still think the man playing Jafar is insanely attractive. We shall see. We shall see.

Two. Nationals Baseball - Y'all. This season has not been pretty. Frankly, putting it that way is saying it really nicely. The Nationals currently sit at 19-31 on the season, we are in fourth place in the NL East and I read an article yesterday that said our bullpen is setting itself up with the worst ERA in history. Not just in this season - but in the history of baseball. Suffice it to say, there have been better seasons to be a Nationals fan. In spite of all this - my friend Danielle and I are headed to Nationals Park tomorrow for the match-up between the Nationals and the Marlins (the team in 5th place in the NL East).

Image result for Nationals Baseball

There are rumors that the Nationals may not have a manager once the weekend is over - who knows? What I do know is that it's Marvel Day at the Park, so I plan to grab myself a Ryan Zimmerman bobblehead, eat some tots from See You Tater and just enjoy a day in DC with my friend!

Three. All Things Fruity - Perfectly Posh recently launched a Spring line filled with products that have the goodness of all things fruity in them: think citrus, berry and melon! Yesterday they released two additional goodies: Nice Melons Big Fat Yummy Hand Creme and Kiwi, Do You Love Me Shower Jelly! The hand creme is $10 and the shower jelly is $17 - and I know they both smell divine!

If you want to give them a try, or give any product a try you can shop at:

Four. The Cupcake Catastrophe - A fun little story for you all, complete with before and after pictures! Sprinkles had special Game of Thrones themed cupcakes availabe last weekend only, via pre-order and my younger sister picked up a box while she was in Vegas for the weekend. I didn't get to place an order with our local (Georgetown) location - so she kindly wrapped up and shipped four of her twelve cupcakes to me on Monday morning via two-day shipping. I asked her to snap some pictures before she sent them because I knew they'd never hold up with the USPS processing them...

She wrote "fragile" and "this side up" on the box in multiple places - but as predicted, they arrived on Wednesday and the view that greeted us when we opened the box - well, it was slightly disastrous. We laughed about it all day on Wednesday but let me tell you what, they may have looked like hell but they tasted divine!

Five. Weekend Plans - It's a long weekend, hallelujah! This evening I'll be hitting the Alamo Drafthouse to take in Aladdin and I do certainly plan to sleep in a little bit on Saturday morning! My friend Danielle and I are headed into DC on Saturday to have lunch at Yards Park, get some delicious ice cream from Ice Cream Jubilee and take in the Nationals game - I know we'll have an excellent time!

I plan to sleep in again on Sunday morning! My parents have friends coming in over the long weekend and so on Sunday we are having brunch at Regions 117 and then heading into Shenandoah National Park to take in all the absolutely gorgeous scenery. We'll close out the day with an early dinner at Skyline Lodge and maybe we'll get a table by the window with stunning mountain views?

I do hope I'll get to sleep in on Monday morning too... but we shall see. We are going to head over to Maryland for the day and take in Antietam Battlefield, among other things. It should be a good but busy weekend - busy in the nicest way though! I love being able to take in all the sights and sounds in the area and see so much of what this area has to offer.

I hope everyone enjoys the long weekend - and as a military kid, I also hope you take the time to remember why we celebrate Memorial Day. It's certainly nice to have an extra day to sleep in and enjoy the early Summer weather, but take a minute from your day and remember those who will never celebrate again - those who paid the ultimate price, so we could have that extra day of vacation!

Y'all have a good weekend! 

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