Friday, May 17, 2019

Five on Friday

One of the best days of the week has arrived yet again - let's get right into the five things that are on my mind this Friday!

One. The Finale of Game of Thrones - Well... after almost ten years, this Sunday night will be the final time a new episode of Game of Thrones airs...ever. There has been a lot of controversy over the final season but I have to say that for the most part, I've enjoyed it. The first three episodes were excellent and the first portion of episode four was really good... alas... it did seem to go off the rails a bit after that. Even if they don't stick the landing on Sunday night - it will still be the best TV show I've ever watched and I've thoroughly enjoyed the ride.

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And while we are talking about sticking the landing and enjoying the ride...

Two. Let's Talk Silliness - Almost a million people have signed a petition to remake the final season of Game of Thrones with "competent" writers. Have some of the character's arcs gone off the rails in the past 2 episodes? Yes! Did some of that hurt my heart? Definitely! But come on you guys - thousands of people put months of hard work into this final season and for the most part, it's been pretty spectacular. The writing has been questionable - but everything else has been absolutely fantastic.
Image result for game of thrones petition

HBO is never going to remake the final season and the show's ending was never going to please everyone... I mean, the final episode hasn't even aired yet! When you choose to watch someone else's story, that means you don't get to control the ending. Get over it and be glad for the awesome ride it's been!

Three. Find Joy - My younger sister posted this earlier this week and I couldn't resist sharing it here. Life will always be complicated. Life will likely not play out the way you imagined it. But it's up to you to learn to find happiness in each and every day because if you waste your time waiting for things to be "just right" - you'll waste your life. So - get out there and find joy! Choose joy!

Four. Tolkein - I think if you've been reading my blog for any amount of time you know I'm all about epic fantastical stories...hello, my posts for the past few weeks have been cluttered with Game of Thrones references. An author that inspired and influenced the writing of Thrones is J.R.R. Tolkein and his masterpieces of The Hobbit and The Lord of the Rings. I have read and absolutely love both and so when I saw that a movie was coming out depicting Tolkein's life and the aspects that inspired his incredible novels - you know I was in!

Image result for tolkien movie

I'm hoping to go get to see this movie this weekend! My younger sister saw it last weekend and thoroughly enjoyed it - so here's hoping I get my chance this weekend!

Five. A Big Announcement - Well you guys. I have a little announcement. After spending a month of Tuesday nights, Thursday nights and Saturdays taking a real estate class... and then taking two different licensing exams... and being finger printed... and then interviewing and being taken on with a broker, I can finally announce that I am now a licensed Realtor in the state of Virginia!

I wanted to share this little ad that will be running in our local paper tomorrow - this is a new adventure for's exciting and scary and just... I can't wait to see what will unfold from here!


So - let the weekend begin! I'm looking forward to a fantastic weekend, some fantastical stories in fabulous realms and finding the joy in a new journey! I hope y'all all have a wonderful weekend because I plan to!

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