Now that I've shared all my delightful news about a long, long weekend...interspersed with a short work week, let's get down to the Five!

One. Perfectly Posh Freebies - Perfectly Posh has so many items on sale right now! If you've ever wanted to try Perfectly Posh, now is the time to do so because with a $29 order you'll get a free That's So Cuke face wash and with a $49 order you'll get a free That's So Cuke face wash and Sun's Out, Fun's Out Replenishing face moisturizer.

Two. Too Cute - I just couldn't not share this picture of my pup! He's always been a beggar and earlier this week I decided to partake in some delicious macarons that I ordered from Ma-Ka-Rohn and he just couldn't resist hoping he'd get a bite! He's such a mess!

Three. Weekend Plans - What to do with this last weekend in June? Well tonight will be dinner and visiting with some family friends. Saturday doesn't have too much in the AM, I suppose it will be the sort of morning where we'll see what unfolds... but Saturday evening we are heading to West Virginia to celebrate my favorite almost 4 year old's birthday with a picnic/cook-out. You can also see the nearby Harper's Ferry fireworks from the backyard - so that should be cool! Sunday is July 1st and who knows what we'll get up to on Sunday?

Four. Stop & Smell the Roses - Another picture...which I just couldn't resist. We have roses planted in the backyard and the hot pink roses in particular are blooming absolutely beautiful and I had to share a picture!

Five. Local Lore - I mentioned last week (or was it two weeks ago?) that I'd been loving the podcast Lore and I realized this week that the Northern Virginia/DC Metro/Maryland area has it's on episode and I'd seen the creature of lore and didn't even know it! Last summer while in DC for a Nationals game, we spotted the large sign below and wondered what in the world it was all about...
