Friday, March 11, 2022

Friday Favorites

March is marching along... cheesy lines included! The weather has been attempting to do something resembling Spring but the forecast for tomorrow includes chances of SNOW. *sigh* I was originally really disheartened to see snow in the forecast again but I think I've decided to embrace whatever comes (can't change it) and try to enjoy the last vestiges of Winter.

One. The Best Coffee - I have discovered the best cup of coffee y'all and I just had to share it with you! Sadly, only some of you will be able to access it but hey - if you're traveling, get you one! I say this because the best cup of coffee is from Sheetz and Sheetz are (for now) only located in Virginia, West Virginia, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Maryland and North Carolina. So if you're headed this way and stop at one (you definitely should) - grab a Cappuccino made with Black Raspberry & Sugar Free Vanilla syrup and oat milk. 

I randomly selected this option when Ryan and I were out and about last Saturday night and let me tell you - it is AMAZING. I ended up getting another on Sunday morning on the way to church and drank every last drop... and I am planning to get another one this weekend! *smile* So if you happen to be in one of the six states blessed with a Sheetz - grab some coffee! And maybe grab some food too, because they have all the food and it is delicious! 

Two. My Flowers - My sweet love, my Ryan gave me the most beautiful flowers last Sunday for our anniversary and they are still going strong almost a week later! Aren't they beautiful y'all? March 6th was one year since we met and became "official" and Ryan gave me the most beautiful bouquet of roses and lilies - my two favorite flowers.

I've been pruning and watering them, rationing out their plant food and they are still looking stunning! One of the lilies hasn't even bloomed yet but it looks like it's getting ready to! I'm going to give them some extra love this afternoon before I head home for the weekend and hope they survive till Monday!

Three. Wedding Things - Tomorrow afternoon (as long as it doesn't snow buckets) my Mom and I are spending some time doing wedding things and I'm so looking forward to it! We are planning to look at invitations (insert squeal here) and potential decorations for the rehearsal dinner - tomorrow is just 8 months to the big day and things are moving right along! I am so looking forward to spending some time with my Momma (and my Daddy, who will probably tag along) and picking and planning for Ryan and I's big day! 

Four. Spring Forward - I know.. I know... we lose an hour this weekend but do you know what we gain? We gain sunshine and daylight hours and I am so excited! I feel like Spring is a little more official (although it's not officially Spring until March 20th) once daylight savings time happens and so I am looking forward to this!

I am already dreaming of time spent sitting on the back porch, watching the sun set over the mountains after 7:30 or 8 in the evening. Gentle Spring breezes and green grass... and definitely warmer temperatures! *sigh* Bring on the time change!


In other news - two years ago today COVID-19 was declared a pandemic. Sometimes that seems like a lifetime ago and other days it still feels like COVID is very prevalent in our day to day lives. I remember (courtesy of pictures on my phone) that places here in Northern Virginia were already closed to visitors so we spent the weekend outdoors/I visited with a friend after we decided that we'd both been well and had no cause for worry - it would be the last time I'd see her face to face for over a year!


A week after the virus was declared a pandemic, I went from sitting at my brand new desk in the office to sitting at a makeshift desk in my living room and working from home for the next five months - which was relatively short when I consider I know people who are still working from home today.

I feel like we've come a long way but still have a long way to go when it comes to living life the way we used to - although I suspect that we won't ever truly return to the way of life we all remember. 


Y'all enjoy your weekend and be glad this weekend isn't marking the beginning of a global pandemic. Go out with friends, spend time with people and enjoy yourselves!

1 comment:

  1. I had a wonderful time on Saturday and can't wait to get those beautiful invitations!
