Shall we get right into things? It's Friday, so it's time for Five on Friday! I share about five things on my mind on this Friday and if you blog, you're welcome to join in! Let's go!

One. Summer is Here - Yesterday was officially the first day of Summer! While it's not my favorite season(that would be Autumn) earns the second place spot. Summer has baseball, vacations (usually), warmer weather...I could really go on and on. While it doesn't hold the same joy of long days of doing nothing that it did when I was a child (#adultingishard), I love the longer days and the joy of sipping a cool drink in the shade of the deck after work.

Two. I ❤️ Chris Pratt - Not only is Chris Pratt handsome, hilarious, a talented actor and a doting Dad to his sweet son, he also loves Jesus and proclaims it proudly. It's so refreshing and inspiring to see a man of God speak out about his faith in such a public setting - gotta love that!
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