Sunday, January 6, 2013

The Kindness of Strangers....

Oh - what a weekend! You absolutely never know what life is going to throw at you, sometimes you get all shook up, spun around & still manage to come out at the end intact. Granted, you may have shot nerves, muddy boots & tear stained cheeks...but you're still intact. I'll get to that later though...

I do love the weekends, so very much. I love knowing that I have almost two days of time stretching out before me that are completely mine to do what I want. I like knowing that if that means I sit on the couch drinking multiple cups of coffee & watching old episodes of "How I Met Your Mother" until eleven in the morning it is completely okay & no one will complain. That is bliss.

Doing his best "give me some coffee now" didn't work.

Coconut Mocha coffee - I think I have a new favorite!

Found 2 more crosses I didn't remember I had, loving how this looks!

I still cannot figure out for the life of me why this silly blog skips such a huge amount of space when I post pictures - maybe the blog is trying to insert a sense of anticipation, making you scroll to see what comes next? I don't know...but it pesters the fire out of me. Oh well, life goes on.

I was completely lazy on Saturday, I promise. I've tried to be completely lazy & it never really works out so well. I always end up washing clothes, cleaning off counters...something. I can't stand to just really be a completely bummy. What a burden! It rained all day on Saturday & that just made things so dreary. At one point in the day I was contemplating a nap but couldn't fall asleep. I came to the realization that I just wanted to lay there & not do anything but look out the window & watch it rain. So I did. After all that, I set about completely destroying my bathroom while I got ready to go out. Why I curled my hair when it was raining I can't tell you...but I did. I met David in town, we went to get supper & go see "This is 40". Supper was a big hit; the movie not as much. I liked it, thought most of it was funny but David...he hated it. Oh well, can't win em all, right?

So curly....

Yep - I've become one of those people. I take pictures of my outfits. 

So good. And it was from the lighter selections part of the menu! 
It is so hard to get a good picture in a car. This took about 10 minutes & me continually complaining that "you can't even tell my hair is curled." I'm kind of dramatic. I'm also still not 100% in love with this picture. *sigh*

So, once David & I parted ways in North night got very interesting. Not really the kind of interesting that you want. It had been raining all day & the roads were wet, which is never really ideal. A slick road causes you to fishtail, which causes you to feel the need to over-correct...and all of this leads to your car going off the road, spinning through a field & only skidding to a stop once it had dug into the mud level with the opening of the door. Not fun. I discovered quickly just how blessed I am for numerous reasons; had I gone off the road just a couple inches later than I did I probably would have went into a ditch, which very well likely would have flipped my car. That didn't happen - praise the Lord. A wonderful woman stopped to check on me, had a son that was able to bring his truck with a wench & pull my car out of the mud. I could have been alone at 10:30 at night while I waited for help. That didn't happen - praise the Lord. There could have easily been a car in the other lane as I slid across the road; I certainly saw enough pass while I was waiting for my car to be pulled out of the mud. That didn't happen - praise the Lord. I got lucky last night, but I don't think it was really luck. It was the power of prayer; the power of having people that pray for me daily & the Lord hearing & answering those prayers. I was home & in my bed before midnight. Shaken up & little sore? Yes. Seriously hurt? No. 

The kindness of strangers renews my faith in humanity a little bit. I think we all need moments like that from time to time, even if they come about from doing a little unintentional mud riding on a Saturday night. Besides the kindness of strangers, I also feel blessed to have so many people who would call me time & again to ensure that everything was okay, to check up on how the situation was progressing & to have so many people that wanted a text or call to ensure I got home safely. I'm blessed, no doubt about it.

Not good. Not good at all.
Survived the night still looking pretty good. Love my boots!

Here we go with another weirdly long page break - pestered I tell ya, I'm pestered. The size of the text has also shrunk - I mean, what is going on with this weirdness?

Sunday has been so peaceful & calm, I do love my Sundays. I love my church family & spending time with them, I love my sweet babies in the nursery & how they make even the craziest mornings feel better with a smile or a pat. I love taking a nap on the couch & just relaxing... Another week is about to start & Sunday is always get for preparing. I think pictures speak better than words sometimes.

Rainbow start to the morning - because the car was covered in mud & that just wouldn't do.
My two favorite boys!
Snuggling with these little people make things much better.
Reading in the sunlight....
He was glad to see the sun. So was I.

Well, I guess that is about all for now. I think it is time for me to whip up some potato soup & prepare to settle in for a new episode of "Once Upon A Time" in just a bit. Another week is about to start, are you ready for it? 

Goodbye weekend...I'll see you again in a few days.


  1. love love love when you update
    yuck to the "excitement" of Saturday night - however your outfit was adorable, your hair looked great, the meal looked yummy, & I thought it was a cute pic of you & David! LOVE YOU!
